Chapter Five-Luca

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What the hell is that sound? Fuck. Who the hell calls this early? Whoever is calling, it better be important. I pick up the phone. "Speak."

"Luca, do I have to do this?" Aria sobs into the phone.

"Aria, it is seven am. You better have not called me to discuss your marriage to Alphonse again," I say, irritated.

"Luca, I am your sister. .Please don't make me go through this." She is heaving on the phone. I breathe and pull myself off the bed.

"Aria, the deal has been done and signed. You know our life. There is no way out. "I give her few minutes to absorb this then add, "He will be a good man to you. He needs a wife, and he is the only remaining underboss who is not married. Or do you want to marry a solider instead?" She stops crying. ,This fact gets her thinking. I know Aria will not like marrying a solider. She would deem it beneath her, so I continue.

"I talked with him, and he assured me, he will be good to you and will make sure your needs are met. Aria, I am asking you as the boss and your old brother, stop the drama, learn your place. You are luckier than most in our world. " With that, I hang up. It is early, and I am fully awake; I should take advantage of this extra time to myself.

After the gym, I get out of the shower, and head to the coffee machine when I see Matteo and Marco drinking coffee in the living room.

"What are you guys doing here this early?"

"We got the same call from Aria," Matteo complains. I say nothing. We all know there is nothing to be done about it. Our father made that deal, and it was signed in blood. The sooner Aria can accept it and move on, the better for everyone.

"So, for tonight. Do you want to go over the plan?" Marco asks.

"I think it is simple. I go in and say, 'I will take your daughter Elena to be my wife,'" What else is there to plan? They say nothing—just stare at me—so I ask, "What else is there to say? "

"You are not going to ask her hand in marriage in the proper traditional way?" Matteo raises his eyebrow while drinking his coffee.

"No. I am the boss. He is lucky I am marrying into his family, so I will state it, and we go from there. "

"I like it. Do you have worries that Luciano will take offense?" Marco asks one of his pointed questions.

"No Luciano will take this as an opportunity to show that he is giving us something we want, and therefore will ask for something in return."

Marco tilts his head, seeming to think of this. I can see when understanding dawns on him.

"So, any plans after dinner? "Matteo asks.

"Yes. DeMarco's son, Antonio, wants to take us out to his new club, and I said yes. I hope you are okay with that, Luca," Marco says.

"I think a night out after this dinner would be a great idea." I oblige and then turn to see Matteo all fidgety. He seems nervous, so I ask, "Do you need to say something? "

"I was wondering if you think I could ask for Maria's hand in marriage to ease the blow on Lorenzo?" Matteo discloses, doing his best to seem collected. I almost spit my coffee. This was blunt and to the point.

"You want her?" Marco is shocked and confused. Marco never understood Matteo's desire to get married and have a family. Marco never showed any long term interest in any woman. He fucked them and let them go.

"Well, I would like to settle down and start a family," Matteo says. I am proud of him. It is not easy to say something like that to Marco, who is staring him down. If it is up to Marco, he will never get married. He knows, however, at some point, he will have to, and knowing Marco, it will be definitely a marriage of convenience. I am sure his wife will understand the terms clearly.

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