Chapter six- Elena

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When they finally leave, I head to my room without saying a word. Maria follows me. We enter my room. She sits on my bed, looking at me with sad puppy eyes. She is definitely relieved and I cannot fault her for that. She does not have to marry Luca—that honor now lies with me. I am the one who has to marry him. Oh my god. What am I going to do?

"He seems nice," she says timidly, "and he seems to really like you." The irony is not lost on me; that was me yesterday.

I snort. "I think he is more into ruffling Luciano and Papa's feathers than liking me, Maria." We sit silently for a bit; I am not going to cry in front of her.

"Maria, I am tired. I am going to take a shower and head to bed," I say pulling all the strength I can muster.

"Oh...okay. I will let you be." Then Maria holds my hand and tries to hold my gaze "Elena, if you need to talk, I am always here, please know that." I smile at her, accepting her gesture. Silence falls between us and Maria finally leaves me alone, I know she cares, but this is something I need to think about on my own.

In the shower, as the water falls, I start crying silent tears. This is a nightmare—me marrying the boss. I will be required to be on display all the time—even at home. Whatever home will look like... Oh my god. How could Papa let this happen? Well, what could he have done? Luca is the boss. Who is going to tell him no? Certainly not Papa nor Luciano.

We are getting engaged in a week and married soon after, in a month... this is fast. Why do we need to get married this fast? I focus on my breathing to hold off my complete breakdown. My life will change, it already has. I feel like I am standing at the feet of a tornado coming to rip my life apart and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I am getting married to ruthless man, is there any possibility this will work? What if does not? There is no way out. What about kids ? can I bring kids into this life ? It hits me then—he needs an heir. He is the boss, and he has no heir. Shit, shit, shit. I will be expected to get pregnant in the blink of an eye.

I refocus my efforts on breathing, inhale, exhale, I calm myself down and decide I will find a way. Right now, I will go to bed, sleep on it, and tomorrow, I will collect myself and find a way out.


I wake up the next morning to Maria rousing me gently. "Elena. Elena. Sorry but you need to get up; you have so much to do today."

I look at her confused. "I have nothing to do today, Maria." I am still sleepy and groggy; it is too early.

"Papa asked me to wake you up. Gia is downstairs with Mama, waiting for you." I look at her, still confused, and then yesterday's events crash back. Fuck, that was real.

"They said you have dress fittings, cake picking, and something about a doctor' appointment. Papa asked me to wake you up. Sorry." Maria looks at me with guilt.

"This is really happening," I say more to myself than Maria. Maria sighs, stands and walks to the door "I am sorry about this Elena. But if any one knows how to survive this, it would be you. You are the strongest person I know"

"Please tell them I will be ready in twenty minutes." I get up and head to the bathroom for a quick shower.

I come downstairs to find Gia sitting excitedly, drinking her coffee with Analia.

"Elena, here you are!" She hugs me like we have been besties.

"Have some coffee, and then we can head out to the best wedding dress shop ever. I know the owner personally, so I called her yesterday after the dinner, and she was gracious enough to get us in this afternoon."

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