You Are At The Opera

Start from the beginning

"You were trapped in this room, and you kept screaming for me to help you, and I couldn't get to you for some reason." Robin told him, and he hoped that it was just a coincidence that Robin had a nightmare like that.

"Well, I'm here now." Finney told Robin, in what he hoped was his most reassuring voice. "And you know-" Finney continued having a felling that he couldn't just leave it at that.

"If anything like that happened to me, it wouldn't be your problem." Robin sat up straight, and the soft weight left his side, which Finney found himself missing immediately. Robin was looking at him intensely, and Finney could feel himself shrinking under his friends gaze, there was something like anger bubbling in Robin's eyes, but there was also some confusion.

"Finn." Robin said, and all of sudden Finney felt like he said something he shouldn't of, he gulped and Robin continued.

"If anything like that happened to you, I want you to know I would not stop looking for you until I'd found you." Robin was still looking at him intensely, but the anger was gone from his eyes, they were filled with something that Finney couldn't quite place.

He wanted to say something, but then.

"Guys the bell rang, we've got to go." Billy told them, and whatever moment they had been having had been broken. They wordlessly separated from each other, and began their walk to class.

Both Robin and Finney felt something had been left unfinished, but neither of them knew how to finish it quite yet.


Over the rest of the week, the boy's carried on about the school week, but their was a buzz of excitement about them. On Saturday, they we're all going to go to the drive in cinema, and see The Fault in Our Stars. Robin's uncle was going to pick them up, and they would catch a five at night showing. The group chat had been blowing up with memes and plans, and just general chatter, on Friday night an idea struck Finney.

Finn: What are your guys favourite desserts?

He received a reply instantly

SillyBilly: Apple pie

Stagg: Brownies

Red Robin: pastries with like a raspberry filling.

Finney pulled out a notebook and wrote these down, he knew what he would spend tomorrow morning doing. Gwen was at Susie's and she wouldn't be home until mid day Sunday, he didn't really know where his dad was, but he was never in the home on Friday's or Saturday's.

Finney didn't have to worry about how much noise he was making when he checked he had enough trays and tins, to make things for tomorrow. He looked through, the pantry and fridge, and wrote down what he would need from the store in the morning. He needed chocolate, and raspberries, that was it.

Although no one was home, Finney felt the need to check over his shoulder, when he walked into his room. Under his bed, was a box that had cash from odd jobs Finney had done, he unlocked the box, with the key that he kept hidden in another box, which had a pair of ballet shoes that Finney pointedly ignored when he got the key out.

When he opened his money box, he noticed that it was noticeably lower then the last time, he went into it. He didn't know how it had gotten so low, but then again he hadn't really had time for odd jobs. Maybe it was time he got a proper job? That would be something to consider later, for now he pulled out as much as he needed, and placed it in the pocket of the jeans he would be wearing tomorrow. He felt the outline as Vance's necklace, in it.

He needed to return it at some point, but he had yet to have the opportunity to do so. He could think about that later. For now Finney was going to go to bed.

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