Chapter 11- Lost, not Forgotten

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"So, Alyssa must really enjoy being an advisor. You know, cause she has been one for a long time," Thomas sighed as the three sat against the wall and watched Darcy and William while they slept. The banshees stood like the queens guard around the outside of the circle. "I don't know, I bet if given the opportunity, she would make an excellent Matron," Penny sighed.

"Agreed. She made a great Matron out of Darcy," Thomas smiled a bit, "She loved it." "I always thought she clicked well with the pack more than the coven. You won't believe how many meetings she put on Alyssa and I. All so she could wouldn't miss something important among your pack," Penny chuckled. "Really?" Thomas chuckled, "Had I known, I-."

"She didn't need to miss out on them. You and that pack made her very happy. The idea Darcy had about the coven was for her, Alyssa, and myself to act as Matron, even if she officially had the title. Don't get me wrong, she was an excellent Matron," Penny assured, "She just loved you, and was devoted to you. You were her first and only love. I hope father is able to find her in there." 

"You're not the only one hoping that, Pens," Thomas sighed. "We all are," Roman assured while petting some of Penny's hair back. Then he frowned as he looked at her. "What?" She asked confused. "Your scar is bleeding again," Roman informed as he pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her. She giggled, "You still carry those around?" "Old habits die hard," He shrugged. 


William just stood there unmoving. He watched as the torches went out of view. He couldn't move. It was as though he were petrified, staring down the cold eyes of an evil beast. Like the ones his own father trained him to fight. 

"Stop toying with us, and let me see my daughter!" He ordered. "Why?" A woman's voice echoed around him. "Because she's lost, and she needs us," He answered surely. "She doesn't need you," The voice echoed, but then a more solid voice came from behind him, "She needs me." He was finally able to move to see Darkas standing there. 

Her floor-length white hair slightly flowing in the breeze along with her tattered gray dress. Her skin was pale and slightly sunken as she stared him down with glowing red eyes. William was sad to see how lost his daughter became because of that grave. She was in a lot of pain, and no one was there to help her. 

"She needs help," William said. "No, no she doesn't," Darkas replied. "What do you mean? Because, I- I am willing to listen," William asked. Darkas sighed, but didn't move from her spot, "Why should I believe you?" "Because I love her," He answered. "Love her? You left her! You left her in the hands of a woman who would lock her outside all night! A woman who would lock her in her room just so you would be disappointed in her! A woman who buried her alive because of her own jealousy!" Darkas said.

"Darkas, I-," "How can you say you love her, when you were never there for her?!" "Darkas, I'm sorry!" He choked. "No! If you were sorry you would've been there for her! If you loved her, you would've been there for her!" He cried as she spoke. "Why should I believe you!" She continued, "Why should we trust you?" "Because I love her. I don't give a damn if you hate me because I wasn't there! I loved her more than either of you would ever know! I'm here!" He argued back. 

"But where were you while we were in that coffin?" Darkas asked. "I was looking for her. High and low! Followed every goose feather I could get my hands on," He cried. "However, you... stopped... looking," She snarled, "You abandoned us to our fate, and forgot about us!" 

"I NEVER FORGOT!" He yelled. She was taking aback by his snapping. They were quiet a moment. "I never forgot," He repeated, "None of us, ever forgot about her. Darcy was the light in all of our lives. Her kindness and innocence is what made her so sweet to be around. With her gone, it was all darkness. So yes, she was lost to us; but no, she was not forgotten!" 

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