Chapter 4- Confidence and Healing

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Father, Penny, Sir Roman and I began to head back to our home. Sir Roman insisted on walking with us mostly to spend more time with Penny. The two were quietly conversing as we walked, and father and I were in our own conversation as well. "I am very proud of you, Darcy," Father spoke in the silence between us.

"I hope so. I have made a vow tonight," I said taking a deep breath. "Oh? What's that?" He asked. "To make you proud; to make the coven proud; to make Thomas proud; and finally... to make mother proud," I smiled answering his question. "I have always been proud. Darkas, you have suffered and endured so much... you deserve to be happy, and I want you to be," He said, "There is no doubt that you have your mother's strength. I made arrangements with sir Thomas. You two are now betrothed." 

"What?" I was in disbelief, "Father-," "Don't sound too excited," He chuckled, "Of course it will be some time before we have a wedding. Sir Thomas and I both want to make sure you settle well with his pack, and I want to make sure you're prepared as Matron of the coven. Which means once you have your duties under control, we will begin wedding preparations." 

"So you trust him this much?" I asked. "Of course, I know and trust that he will take good care of you," He assured. "Okay, I will trust that you trust him," I said accepting the betrothal. "I believe that he wants to make a proper proposal when things get a little calmer for you, so be patient, he will come to you with it," He smiled. "I will do my best," I chuckled. 

"So, how do you feel about being the new Matron of Grey River?" He asked. "I am a bit-," I began to answer his question but was cut off by a large solid black wolf charging into our path. He had long shaggy fur, and he had a rather thick arrow- nearly the size of my arm- sticking out of his shoulder. Three fresh claw marks were oozing blood down his face. 

"My Gods!" I gasped as Sir Roman and Penny backtracked to us. The wolf growled when father drew his engraved pistol and aimed at the wolf. "Kill the beast!" We heard the wolf's hunters in the woods. I looked into the wolf's deep black eyes and gasped. "Father wait!" I grabbed his arm and kept him from shooting the wolf. "Darkas, you-," "It's Thomas!" I informed. "What? He doesn't run here, it's too close to the town," Father frowned. 

"Father, look at him," I frowned. Father looked at the black wolf, and his eyes widened. "Roman, keep the hunters from finding us," Father then ordered and attempted to approach Thomas. I frowned when Thomas only snarled and growled. Just as wolf Thomas was about to leap at father, I stood in the way. 

"Darcy-," Father began, but I shushed him and took a step towards wolf Thomas. "Thomas," I smiled a bit trying to calm him. I took a deep breath, and knowing that he wouldn't hurt me, I took another step towards him. He snarled a bit at me, as if to warn me. I gave him an unamused look in return. "Now, you best behave," I ordered with a stern tone.  

His eyes widened, and the snarl disappeared from his face. He limped towards me and whined a bit. "There," I smiled and knelt down to check his large paw. It seemed to be injured as well, "We need to get him home. I can tend to him there." I looked to father who nodded once Roman returned to us. "Sir Roman, we need to get him home," Father said. "Your home is closest, do you mind him staying with you a few days?" Sir Roman asked. 

"It will do perfectly. Darkas can tend to him," Father replied. "Very well," Sir Roman said and carefully picked Thomas up. He began to carry Thomas in the direction we were headed. "I must warn you, Lady Darkas. The White Fang pack can be very suspicious of outsiders. Especially outsiders that are witches, and those who are tending to their wounded. They prefer their own healers tending to their wounded... especially their alpha," Roman said, "And they will know quickly that he is wounded. Thomas's beta will most likely be waiting for us at your home." 

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