Chapter 6- Present Day

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"And then I'm sure you are well aware of the rest," Darkas said leaning back a bit in her seat. "Wow," Luke frowned after hearing everything that happened to the poor woman. "That is also why I cannot go home. If Lila hasn't weaseled her way back in," I sighed, "I know that she has a pretty young witch weaseling her way into my Moon Bond's pants... I won't let that happen either."

"You're going to go to him?" Luke smiled. "No, but I cannot allow that wedding to happen, so I shall deal with it. So, I shall deal with it accordingly." She asked. "Well, you have three days," He frowned. "Hmm... that doesn't give me much time. I must go. What's going on with the Coven?" I asked.

"Penelope is no longer Matron. When Lila weaseled her way back in, Penny and Alyssa left. Alyssa is with White Lotus, and Penny focuses on Roman's Clan with him," He explained. "Thank you for that information," I replied, "And Thank you so much, Luke, for your hospitality and aid. I would ask that you speak nothing of me to anyone, however, I have a different plan for you." "Oh?" He frowned. "It will only take a moment," She smiled almost wickedly as she stepped towards him.


Darkas approached her old home and frowned. It looked as though it had been abandoned for years. Vines and even unmaintained trees have grown into it's walls. A thick layer of dust covered the furniture that was left behind. It was dark for it to be mid-morning. Storm clouds kept the sun away as she stood there. Frozen in place in front of the building she called home. 

The wind blew her long brown hair around since she kept it down, and her red summer dress was the only thing of color in the stormy grey scenery. Her crystal blue eyes hid a lonely and sad girl that was pushed away by the angry and vengeful woman. 

She finally gathered enough courage to walk into to the home. Memories flashed through her head as she walked around. The halls that went from her ducking around to avoid Lila to her and Penny cheerfully running up and down after Lila left. The family room where her, Penny, and their father would sit around and enjoy each other's company. The Parlor where Darcy spent so much time with Thomas because it overlooked the gardens. 

A tear fell from Darcy's eye when she looked out the Parlor window and saw the garden destroyed by time and no one caring for it. Just like her Alone and lost.

She finally made her way to the ballroom. Where she almost died because of that damn corset and Lila. The day her life was finally changing for the better because her father left Lila. Her fingers wrapped tightly into fists. So tight her knuckles went pale. She took a deep breath and let out a loud wail of despair. This wail was so loud and long winded it could be heard on the wind... 


Far on the other side of Westhaven, was a woman with long blonde hair and fair skin; and a man with shoulder-length snow blonde hair and pale skin. They slept peacefully cuddled close in each other's arms. Well, they slept peacefully until both were startled awake by the sound of wailing coming from outside. 

"What is that?" The woman asked as she quickly crawled out of bed and paced to the window. The wailing continued. "Just one woman?" The man asked looking out the same window. "She sounds so... sad," The woman frowned. "She's a Banshee, Penny," he explained, "My people call those types 'White Fairies'." "'types'? There are types, Roman?" Penny frowned. 

"Two. Actually. This one sounds more in control, thus we'd call her 'White Fairy'. They're, more human or witch than banshee," Roman explained. "Interesting, do elaborate," Penny said sitting on the bed. "White Fairies are different from normal Banshees because they can take on their Banshee form like a werewolf or Lycan takes on their form. Basically, when they're human, you'd never know. You also can't tell who they are when they are in their Banshee form," He explained. 

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