Jess: "Theirs two floors, zone your in charge in helping us when we are on your side, and Same with you Ashley, white targets will appear and your have to shoot them"

Zone: "Got it"

Jess: "Delta team lets show them how it's done!"
A explosion would be heard and Jess and Nika enter the building"

Zone: He would scan the building and sees one target in a room and fires at it, making a satisfying ding
"Hit one"

Jess: "Copy"

Ashley: Another ping was heard
"Got that bitch"

Nika: "Delta is moving up to the second floor watch your fire"

Zone: He chambers a new round and fires at a target nearby Jess

Jess: "Nice shot zone"
They kept moving forward clearing out the rooms and once they were done they exited out the building
"Head back to the jeep near the gas station and exfiltrate"

Zone: He packs up his sniper and would start to walk to the exit
"Exfiltrating righ-"
He would get hit by someone causing him to hit the ground
"Ow shit!"
He quickly slides back just as a knife hits where he last was

Zone: He packs up his sniper and would start to walk to the exit"Exfiltrating righ-"He would get hit by someone causing him to hit the ground"Ow shit!"He quickly slides back just as a knife hits where he last was

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???: "You are coming with me human.."

Zone: "Man what the fuck did I ever do to you?!"

???: She throws her knife at him but it misses and hits the wall next to him

Zone: "Missed bitch!"
He takes out his pistol and fired it at her

???: She ducks behind cover and bids her time waiting for him to reload his gun

Zone: Once he was done firing his rounds he would remove the mag from his gun and he drops it on the floor

???: She comes out of cover to surprise him  but she would get shot in the Gut by Ashley and she hits the floor

Ashley: "I got em zone"

Zone: He walks over and kneels down near the anthro female who was bleeding, noticing her sidearm he would take it and push it away from the two before ripping her patch
"Interesting.. what division do you come from?"

???: "I'm not telling you shit.."

Zone: "Fine then"
He would stick a finger in her bullet wound causing her to scream in pain

???: "OW!- FUCKKK-"
She winces and cries out as she turns her head

Zone: "I'll go further, what's your base called?"


Zone: He would take the finger out of her chest and saw the female crying
"Awww not so tough now that you got shot Hmm?"
He wipes the blood on the wall that he got on his finger

???: "You son of a-a bitch I'll get you for this!"

Zone: "What ya going to do kill me?"

Ashley: "Zone exfiltrate now!"
She says over the radio

Zone: He touches the side of his radio and speaks
"Copy doing it now"
He takes out a bandage and places it on her chest before grabbing her gun
"Try not to bleed out can ya?"

He would walk to the window which had the rope and he exits out the window and holding the rope, he would rappel down to the ground floor
"Got everything with that bitch's gun"
He would start to move to the exfiltration area and there he sees his squad waiting for him at the jeep armed with a grenade launcher

Ashley: "Thought your ass died to her for a moment"

Jess: "Got me worried for a second  when I heard Ashley called out you were in trouble"

Zone: "Yes and I was fighting someone unpredictable.."

He gives Jess the patch

"Bitch said she was apart of Omega One"

Jess: "Omega one?... oh shit we have to warn base now!"

Zone: He gets in the jeep followed by everyone climbing in

Jess: She starts up the engine and starts to drive quickly
"Always go with this rule of thumb.. if you see one omega force, theirs bound to be more"

Zone: "Yes ma'am"
He turns around
"And two of them are chasing us on bikes"

Nika: "I'll handle it"
She would stand up and get in the turret and rack the bolt back for the grenade launcher before turning it around and firing two grenades, causing the bikes to blow up
"And two baddies down!"

Zone: "Nice going Nika!"

Nika: She would slowly get back inside the jeep and sit back down in her seat as the jeep made its way back to the base

End of chapter

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