Chapter 17: Happy Endings

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The scene changes to ZNN reporters outside taking
pictures of bellwether being taking in by Wolf.
While Nick gets bombarded with reports as
microphones get in his face.

"Officer Wilde, Officer Wilde!"

"Whoa whoa!"

"Is it true that bellwether is behind the bizarre
predator attacks?" a rabbit reporter asked.

"Why yes." he says as he smirks.

"Did you single handedly tracked and took her

But before he could answer that he saw how Wolf
was looking back then looks away with a frown.
After all they been through , after he saved him,
could Nick really betray his friends again......or
should he really go true or his words. is he a
changed fox?

"Actually it was all the Bad Guys doing, they helped
me solved the case." Nick said.

Wolf was surprised as he turns around to see Nick
smiling at him, then Nick walks over to him,
grabbing his shoulders and pulling him to where
reporters were taking pictures.

"They were the greatest team ever, heck they were
the best team I ever had and I took them for
granted." Nick said.

Wolf looks at Nick to see he was being serious as he
was talking to the crowd like he was talking to Wolf

"He was my best friend, the only friend who cared
about me...guys if I could turn back time...I found
stop making that same mistake.... please would you
guys forgive me?" Nick asked.

Wolf and the others were trying to hard not to cry
then Wolf smiles at him and said: "Water under the bridge old pal."

He opens his hands up to him, Nick smirks and the two predators hugged.

Everyone awed at the reconcile friendship, then
suddenly the Bad Guys joined in for a group hug,
shark picks them up and swings them around, wolf
and Nick smiles at each other as Judy, Cisco, and Barry smiles.

The Bad Guys have finally forgiven Nick.

The scene changes to ZNN with Fabienne Growley
and Peter Moosebridge.

"Former Mayor Dawn Bellwether is behind bars
today, guilty of masterminding the savage attacks
that have plagued Zootopia of late."

They show Bellwether in an orange jumpsuit, in
handcuffs, filled with contempt, as she is escorted
through the crowd as photographers take pictures.

"Her predecessor, Leodore Lionheart, denies any
knowledge of her plot, claiming he was just trying
to protect the city."

Lionheart is seen in prison being interviewed by a

"Did I falsely imprison those animals? Well, yes.
Yes, I did. It was a classic "doing the wrong thing
for the right reason "kind of a deal"."

"In related news, doctors say the Night Howler
antidote is proving effective in rehabilitating the
afflicted predators."

The scenes changes to a hospital where Emmitt is
being cured from his savage state. He starts to
wake up, lying down in bed. Mrs. Otterton, who is
reading, looks at him.

"Emmitt? Oh, Emmitt!" The Ottertons hug very
deeply in relief.

Mrs. Otterton turns to Judy, who is back in her
police uniform and her leg is healed.

"Thank you" she whispered.

While on the other side of just, Nick was looking at
room, where the Bad Guy we were waiting for
Princess and their own kids to recover. Their room was filled with flowers, stuffed animals, balloons and get well soon cards.

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