Chapter 4: Blast of the Past

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One month ago

Wolf was holding a picture of him and Nick much in arms smiling at a camera. He stares at the picture with a frown, he has everything he ever wants, his friends, a family and he was free from jail. But how come he wasn't happy. As he continued to fall into darkness, having flashbacks. Diane came in, she noticed something was wrong with him, she sits down next to him and sees the picture.

"Hey you okay, Who's that" she asked.

"...Just an old friend, who I once trusted"

He then throws the picture in a box, "but we don't
talk about him anymore"

"What happened between you guys" Diane asked.

"We got into a fight and...he abandoned us."

Diane gasped as she was shocked.

"I thought he was my friend but-"

The way he sigh made Diane see how hurt he was
then she gets an idea.

She was driving the bad guys somewhere, wolf
sitting in the passenger seat.

"So where are we going" he asked.

"We need a vacation so I thought we could stay in

As they enter the city, everyone was amazed by it.


"And why do we need to move to Zootopia." Snake

"I think you gets could use a break from the Justice League superhero everyday life." Diane said.

They then arrived outside of the city, they were
surprised to see the mansion.


They were really impressed by the mansion.

"How much did you pay for this place?" Wolf asked.

"Actually it's Marmalade's mansion, well it's one of
his homes, he has several, he said we could use it as
much as we like, think of this place as a......vacation
house." Diane explained.

Once they get inside, the kids and Princess walks up front and looks around, then she looks back at them

"I LOVE IT!" she giggles as she rushes to see more of it.

"It's amazing!" The kids said as they explored.

"See Princess and kids likes it."

"Look at this place" shark says.

"Whoever the interior was" webs says,
"I like the Agriculture design."

"So the house has multiple hidden exits,"

They went in the living room, where outside the
window they see princess and the kids.

"We got a really big backyard, near a forest and
there's a really big pool too!"

And immediately Shark and Piranha smiles, "ah
pool you say?" Shark says as he and Piranha ran

"I'm being to like this place" Piranha says.

Then princess sees a remote on the wall, she takes,

"What does this do?"

She presses it and the floor moves revealing a tiny


Then down came a waterfall.

"Check out the water features." Moe Jr. said.

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