Chapter 15: Train Car Chase

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Judy and the others enter the station and find an
old train car.

"Come on." Judy said.

They went up to the train car, which is Doug's lab
and discover it is full of flowers just like the ones
from the Hopps' Family Farm.

"Wow, so the gorilla wasn't lying." Vibe said.

"Huh guys something, doesn't seem right" webs
says, "if the weasel and gorilla were spreading the
toxic flowers driving the animals insane...then why

"Yeah, it looks like ol' Doug's cornered the market
on Night howlers"

Then they suddenly hear Doug entering the room
prompting them to hide under a table. Coming behind him was a Robot Master with a blank stare on it's face. It was Chemistry Man!  It looked like he was under a mind control.

After putting on a gas mask, Doug takes a pot full of Night Howlers and dumps it all into a vat

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After putting on a gas mask, Doug takes a pot full of Night Howlers and dumps it all into a vat. Chemistry Man then turns the dial, liquefying the flowers and subsequently guides the liquids through test tubes
and a chemistry set, a small machine injects blue
serum into a paintball-like pellet. Doug's cell phone
rings. Judy and Nick scurry under another table as Doug answers his phone.

"You got Doug here. What's the mark? Cheetah in
Sahara Square, got it" he loads the serum pellet
into a dart gun. In front of him was a billboard with pictures of targeted predators.

"You serious? Yeah, I know they're fast, I can hit
'em. Listen, I hit a tiny little otter through the open
window of a moving car." Doug bragged.

Judy gasps, and sees a photo of Emmitt Otterton
on Doug's subway bulletin map. A flashback shows Emmitt Otterton in the limo, and Doug snipes him through the open window with a serum pellet, Emmitt feels his neck with a look of fear before lunging and snarling.

"So it was him." Wolf says as he shoots next to Judy.

Then she looks at a photo of Renato Manchas.
Another flashback shows Manchas unlocking the
door, first meeting Judy and Nick when he is shot
by Doug, who is hiding outside the window, with a
serum pellet from behind making him go savage.

"Yeah, I'll buzz you when it's done." he places the
dart gun into a case.

"Or you'll see it on the news, you know, whichever
comes first. And don't worry about the Robot Master, with that chip, he's under my orders."

The bad guys then see a picture of Princess and their kids, a tear falls down Wolf's face as he thinks of her going savage and being muzzled, the just sees a picture of Jack, she didn't wanted to know what was going to happen next. Then a knock is heard.

"Hey, Doug, open up! We've got your latte!"

"Alright, Woolter and Jesse are back so I'm leaving
now. Out."

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