Chapter 9: Cliffside Asylum

Start from the beginning

"See what we had to deal with?" Wolf says and looks
around the room.

"I know Nick can be annoyed, but he is trying, he's
changed to a good fox." Judy said.

She looks around, "All this equipment is brand
new." she takes pictures of the equipment.

"Why's that?" Flash asked.

"I don't know. Why you didn't let Shark along?" Nick

"You know how he gets around hospital." Wolf said.


They then both gasped when they looked down.


She looks at them, and he points down revealing
claw marks on the floor.

"Claw marks..."

"Yeah, huge, huge claw marks, I mean what kind of
animal..." Wolf wonders.

A tiger pounces against the glass, startling Nick and


Judy Nick and wolf walk through the passage way
seeing other predator mammals in cells, all in a
savage state. Webs, Snake and piranha walks up, They shine the flashlight up into the top left corner of one cell where two pinpricks of light are visible, and find Manchas in the cell, growling.

"Mr. Manchas."

"Well now we know where the Panther went." Webs

"Yeah but where's the otter" wolf asked.

Nick looks at Manchas's file, then as snake slithers
around, he finds another file, he reads it and it was

"I found him" snake says.

They walk up to another cell and see Otterton
inside. His glasses are broken, his sweater is gone and Otterton runs under the bed snarling.

"Yep that's him alright! We found your otter."
Piranha says as he goes to release him, "let's get

"NO!" but everyone stopped him.

"Mr. Otterton, my name is Officer Judy Hopps. We
were sent to find you, We're gonna get you out of
here and back to your family--"

Mr. Otterton starts to come forward, sniffing and
eyes black, before he pounces against the glass,
making them jump back in surprise.

Or not! Guess he's in no rush to get home to the
missus." Vibe said.

"Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen.... Not including
Manchas, it's....... It's fourteen...Nick that's all
fourteen of them, They're all here! All the missing
mammals are right here!"

"Yeah yeah that's great, now let's get them out of
here" wolf says.

They hear a mechanical door opening. As the door

"AH!" everyone starts to panicked.

"Hide" wolf whispers, Judy, Nick and the others ran
and hide in an empty cell. Judy hide with Snake, Flash, Piranha and Webs while Wolf got stuck with Nick in another cell...again along with Vibe. Then, they hear a familiar voice.

"Enough! I don't want excuses, Doctor, I want

Mayor Lionheart and Dr. Madge Honey Badger
enter the room.

"Mayor Lionheart" the Bad Guys whispered as they
were surprised as much as Nick and Judy were.

"He's behind this" webs asked.

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