"why is she crying"

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Alondra's POV
"hey what are you doing here" jo asked me as I walked into her house "I'm bored and my girlfriend is in Minnesota so I thought hey maybe jo wants to hang out" I said but I was showing no emotion "well you can help me organize luna's playroom" she said excitedly "mm what the hell" I said walking with her towards her daughters playroom.

"why does she have so many toys" I asked "she's a kid? she needs toys" she told me "ok but not this much" I said shocked "when you start having kids you'll see why" she told me "speaking of kids! when we watched your lovely daughter me and melia realized we want kids" I said sorting the toys as we talk "oh go sloan!" she said "calm down we aren't trying yet" I said "why not it's perfect time"
she said "really? she's literally in Minnesota right now! not with me how could this possibly be the right time" I asked her "mmm" she said

"how long is Amelia gone for" she asked me "mmm three days" I said "so im going to go ahead and assume you'll be the guest room" she said laughing "you know me so well jojo" I said then i heard my phone ringing "it's her I'll be back" I said walking into the kitchen of her house. "well hello gorgeous girl" I said I saw her crack a smile "i see you miss me" she said "yes I do so i need you to come back" I
told her "calm down little baby I'll be back Monday" she told me "mm how was your day" I asked her

"just a bunch of working but i miss you" she said and she was looking behind me she was confused "don't make that face I'm just at Josephines house" I told her "mm why aren't you at our house? you know where you live" she said "because it's quiet and here I have jo and baby luna" I said "starting to think you love jo more than me" she said "mm maybe" I said joking then i saw jo running out the room.

"sloan i have to go it's an emergency" she said grabbing everything in hand "ok um she's asleep" I asked her referring to her daughter "yes you know her schedule I'll call you later" she said running out the door. "well looks like im babysitting" I told Amelia "have fun my love I'll call you later" she said "wait before you go! let's go show you some baby love" I said running up her stairs "baby love?" the brunette had questioned "some cuteness" I said flipping the camera so she could see luna sleeping.

"aww i wish i was there with you" she said "well you get to be a doctor while i get to be well i get thrown up and toys" i said "mmm well i love you and will call you later" she said "later my love" I said then she hanged up on me. i just watched as luna slept i know sounds creepy but watching babies sleep is kinda cute because they're so tiny. for the rest of the time being i cleaned all around jo's house because she's always busy and thought i would be nice.

later towards night that's when things started to get a little hectic with me and luna. "hey can we pleaseeee stop crying" I asked the screaming baby who wouldn't either let me hold her or put her down. "pleaseeee i will give you anything you want" I said rocking her back and forth but all i could hear is her crying. "hey sorry im back-'' i heard jo say "what's going on? why is my child crying" she asked me "well maybe because im not her mommy and i don't know what she needs" I said freaking out "you seemed like you're the one who had a hard day" she said taking her from my arms.

"well we talked to Amelia and she was fine till she left then she started crying" I explained "why didn't you just call her back" she asked me "because she was at work i can't just call her in help for a screaming baby" I said "well if you're staying again.. can you help me make dinner?" she asked me "sure? anything you want" i said walking towards her kitchen "ah i love having you here you should live here" she told me "mm you have to talk to my girlfriend about that one" i said pulling out what i need.

authors note ~
hey guys today is greys day.... was looking forward to seeing amelia tonight but we only had one scene but we did see jo so yay!

halloween is coming up so i will be doing a chapter for that over the weekend if you wanna see anyone come for halloween lmk.....

right person,right time Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ