
Start from the beginning

You remembered that when you first laid eyes on the scene, the immediate thought that went through your head was 'Oh god. That's it. That's the Wendigo Alastor always talks about on his broadcasts and now it's going to get me'. When he had turned around to face you though, the crimson rivers still cascading down his face, you had so desperately wished that it indeed was some mythical creature that was in front of you. Not Alastor.

But, alas, it was the man who you loved. And now you were up here, living a life — not your best life, but definitely living a life — after death.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Gabriel's gentle voice hauled you away from your nightmarish memories and you silently looked up at him, biting your lower lip nervously. His brows pinched together lightly. "You were thinking about him again, weren't you?" he said as he took a seat beside you on the mattress. Shamefully, you nodded. Gabriel sighed.

"Do you know if he's okay?" you asked softly, grabbing a pillow and holding it to your chest in some sort of attempt at comfort. Your friend gave you a sympathetic look, knowing he couldn't tell you much, given it was very confidential information and that only the Higher Guard could know about it. And he didn't want to hurt you.

"Yes. He's doing just fine, (Y/n)," he said and began rubbing circles on your back between your wings. "But it isn't healthy for you to keep meandering over him like this, sweetheart. It's been so long, don't you think it's time to..." Gabriel paused, as if trying to search for the right words before finishing, "...move on?" Move on? Of course, you had tried to move on, but had you managed? No. You hadn't.

"Maybe," you huffed and dropped back onto the mattress, rolling so that your back was facing Gabriel. Silence fell between the both of you, the taller angel simply lifting from the bed before moving to the door. "I'll see you in the morning so that we can leave. Goodnight," he said and left, your eyes beginning to water at the thought of your former lover. I can't move on. I love him so much. A tear weightlessly slid down your cheek, a shaky breath filling your lungs.

I'm so damn tired of this feeling. I can only hold on for so long...

You fell asleep.


"Rise and shine, sweetheart. We're gonna be late," the unmistakable voice of Gabriel crooned next to you, your eyes struggling to peel open after your long night of crying.

A soft groan of fatigue left you as you sat up from where you were curled comfortably against the pillow you had been sobbing into. Your back ached. "What time is it?" you mumbled while rubbing the drowsiness from your eyes. Gabriel hummed, a pair of clothes manifesting in his arms. "Just past seven. Come on, get dressed," he prompted, helping you stand from the bed and brushing your wings out a little.

Complaining under your breath, you took the clothes from your friend and headed for the bathroom so you could wash up. Your clothes from the day prior were slipped off and you turned on the shower, allowing it to heat up before you stepped beneath the steamy water and let your tense muscles relax. Today was the day. You were going to meet the princess of Hell and help her redeem the wicked souls that thrived on the filth they lived in like rats.

Maybe I can find Al and get him to change. He must want to, right? After everything he's done, he must feel ashamed.

You ended your shower by giving your hair a nice scrub and shaving your legs. Who knew if they had showers down there or not? You were just playing it safe. Sure, it was a little degrading to assume that they were that dirty, but you could never be too sure.

A fluffy towel was taken off the rack once you had stepped out of the shower, a quick brush of your teeth allowing the hyena that had been sleeping in your mouth to flee and a fresh scent to doctor your breath. When Gabriel knocked, you had just been finished with your jumpsuit, your hand reaching for the door and opening it for him.

• 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 • Alastor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now