"Thanks," I mumble with shame.

She nods before tugging on her shirt nervously. At first I assume it's because my gaze makes her uncomfortable but then, I see her tug some more. My eyes shift to the area she is trying to hide. Her mid section.

"Are you pregnant?" I frown with concern.

"No," Is all she says. It is said so quickly and with so plainly that I know she is lying.

"How far are you?"

"Stop doing that," she demands with irritation.

"I'm not doing anything. You're the one who lied to me," I smirk teasingly.

"Can you just leave me alone? That's all I ask for." She sighs loudly, indicating her annoyance with me.

"If you're pregnant you can tell me. I mean I only wanted one kid but now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind two," I beam proudly. This is no mistake. Just another chance for me to redeem myself. I won't fail our children. We'll be the perfect family. The one family Elaine and Martin could be proud of me for creating.

"I'm not pregnant! What don't you understand? I can't have anymore kids and if by some chance I could, I'd never have yours again,"

A wrathful heat invades my veins and without realizing my hand lifts up. But before I can do anything else, she grabs my hand. Our eyes remain entranced as she interlocks her fingers in mine.

"Now think," she orders placidly. The calmness is her tone is enough to tame every wild vein in me.

I inhale then exhale slowly. It feels as though a weight has been lifted because I'm able to stop and think. Why did I try to hit her again? Haven't I learned enough from my dad? I shouldn't have to resort to violence to get my point across. Not with Ava, at least.

"You better?" She smiles at me, making my heart stop. I don't even stop to think how forced it could be.

I need her and she needs me just as much. Now, with the help of counseling or some God sent miracle I'm hoping I can keep my temper under control long enough to make things right between us.

"I'm really trying to be. I just need-"

"To stop pretending." She reaches out to touch my cheek. The stretch must have hurt because she makes a small grimace in the process. I can tell she's in pain from my earlier behavior. But when I stare deeper into the pit of her earth toned eyes I find something more than anger. Something deeper. Something that scares me as much as her.

"Stop pretending that we both love each other and you're the perfect father to Danny. Just stop acting like you're a gentleman one minute, only to smack me around the next." She huffs angrily. My bewildered green eyes pace along with her. Going from the window back to the bed.

"You think I pretend to love you and Danny?" I ask in complete disbelief. No one understands how deeply I care about my family. No one will ever understand how hard I've fought to bring us together. I've endured torturous ordeals in order to get out sooner. Terrible memories of the Psych Ward still haunt me til this day.

"Never mind Ian." She whispers sadly. " I need to go get Danny ready for his last day,"

As a reaction to her impending frustration, I casually trace my hands over my tired face. We can't accomplish anything if we keep going avoiding the issues. So I make a quick decision to tell her what's on my mind.

"Just be so good to me that you become the good in me." By this time I've made it over to her. My hands grasp her arms in a way that makes her tense up. I notice but I don't move them.

"I can change. Believe me I can." My fingertips squeeze her arms to emphasize my solemnity. "I just need to get away." I admit sadly.

Sometimes I feel like my dad failed me. Which is all the more reason why I can't fail Danny. I can't fail myself. I can blame everyone; my father, my step mother and even myself but what would that solve? I mean it's easy to blame yourself when you've been your own worst enemy since age ten. It's easy to lay floating complacently in your own ocean of sin. Tears are no different than rain to someone like me.

"Then do that, okay?" She rests her hands on my cheeks, in an attempt to get me to look at her. "If you need to get away from everyone and everything then do that."

I get the feeling it's meant more so for her than me. As if she wants an opportunity to get away just as bad as I do. But little does she know, her and Danny are going wherever I go.

"Let's do it then," I say just as my eyes finally greet hers.

The expressions of confusion and suspicion reside on her gorgeous face. While the expressions of honesty and intrigue reside on mine. I have a plan. A plan she is not aware of. She has no idea where I plan on taking her and Danny. She has no idea I plan on isolating them to keep them safe.


Vote, comment, fan! Or I'll stalk you until you do xD (jk, jk, jk! I'm the worst stalker, I swear. I struggle with directions so I'd probably get lost on my way to your house. )

**Note: Sorry for my absence. I've been suffering from a high amount of stress, writer's block and anxiety.

Anyways, I hope you liked it. What do you guys think now that you've had sort of an insight to Ian's thoughts.

Do you believe he is being honest? Do you believe he wants to change but doesn't know how? That maybe he sees his father in himself— (a father he constantly seeks approval from) which in turn, makes it more difficult for him to change?

And what about Ava? She's dealing with a lot too. The mere fact that she was able to stop him from hitting her says a lot. Notice how this time she didn't cower from him. She simply grabbed his hand. That speaks volumes, don't you think?

If you have anymore questions or points to address leave 'em in the comments. Your opinions are most definitely welcomed. :D 

In The Arms Of Danger [Sequel to Make You Mine]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz