☘️My lucky chance☘️ Tae-Young X Fem!Reader

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So UHM im working on my Jesse so uh, he's coming soon. This is a fluff (NO SEGGIES, HES INNOCENT)

Y/N's POV:
I was walking down the street to the animal shelter to meet tae because he needed me for something. I was admiring the outside as it was very beautiful this evening. I was busy admiring the sky that I didn't realize I walked pass the animal shelter. I just noticed when I turned around to admire what was behind me and immediately ran back in a hurry. When I arrived I saw tae standing outside of the shelter on the sidewalk with his hands crossed.

Tae Young: Sooo...you finally noticed you walked pass me.

I chuckled nervously while scratching my cheek.

Y/N: Yeah sorry!

Tae sighed and held open the door for me. As I walked in I noticed there was a dirty fish tank already set up.

Y/N's mind: Tae did say something about fish...but why is that dirty fish tank here?

Tae young: Alright, you ready?

Y/N: uh sure, what am I supposed to help you with?!

Tae young: Cleaning out the fish tanks! I know it may sound easy but actually takes a lot of work, and you did say you want to own a pet fish!

Y/N: um what does that have to do with owning a fish?!

Tae young: Well cleaning out the tank is an important part of owning a fish. If the fish stays in dirty water for too long they could get very sick! it's great to clean your fishes tank out once in a while! Plus, this is a great start to get you ready!

Y/N: I guess your right

Tae young: Of course I'm right, you did read that manual I gave you on owning a fish

Y/N: Uhhh yeah!! Yeah!!

Tae young: *tsk* *tsk* What was the first paragraph then?!

Y/N: How am I supposed to know

Tae young: it's literally the most easiest thing to remember!!

Y/N: We'll what does it say since you know it all? *Hmph*

Tae young: Well if I'm correct it reads "Tips on how to PROPERLY take care of an fish!" I can continue with the tips if you'd like

Y/N: No thank you, I'd rather read it myself!

Tae young: okay...Let's start then!

Y/N: okay then, what do I have to do?!

Tae young: First, I need you to vacuum all the dirt and other bacteria or gunk off the ground using an siphon!

Y/N: Okay!

Tae young: Here, I'll show you how to work it!

Y/N: okay thanks!
                             Skip till after

Y/N: and...there!!

Tae young: Great job! The fish tank looks good to me!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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