😡anger level🤬

767 7 6

This determins how angry they get. Epically in jealousy.

Robaire: 8/10
Sure he may seem fine but really dude is pissed off. He will make up dumb excuses so he can take you and run away. If you aren't looking or have to go do something he will give them death stares probably beat their ass while your in the bathroom.

Jesse: 10/10
He'll straight up go up to them and drag them by their hair then walk them like a dog. He will be so pissed off bro. He gets jealous when he sees other men/woman trying to flirt with you knowing d!mn well your taken. Bruh is a mad man.
Bonus: he was too hot you couldn't resist do you took him to the bathroom to make out but ended up making two kids instead.

Tae-young 4/10
Sweetheart trusts you❤️ But doesn't mean he won't get jealous a bit. If he gets left out of anything and sees you with someone else, baby boy will start to cry. You'd have to cancel the conversation with the person and go talk to him. You have to give him kisses and cuddles later😘

Aaron t: 12/10
Drop a bitch if he needs to. Bro will start a ruckus. You were just talking to someone and he got jealous because they were flirting. So he came up and smacked da bitch into next Easter. You'd have to promise to him you won't see that boy/girl again and give him kisses and hugs later💝

Aaron z: 9/10
He will also drop a bitch. You were just training when a few basketball players came up and were flirting. You thought they were just trying to start a conversation so you starting talking to them in the same way not knowing you were flirting. Z was on the side giving them a death stare. One of them stuck up the middle finger at him which pissed him off. So he walked over a showed those bitches a hard time. (As he should) You'd have to apologize and give him cuddles and hugs later🥱 (you'd also make out sometimes)
This is a serious head cannon. Glad you red this story!
Word count: 371

4town one shots :)) (head cannons as well)Where stories live. Discover now