🌸🙈Robaire x shy! Reader (Fluff)🙈🌸

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Requested by @no one
*Ahh a beautiful day another morning in Paris* you thought while skipping down the sidewalk you weren't paying attention to what was in front of you and ran into a light post- (ouch) A man with shades and a black fedora and a big black jacket came over "Hey you okay amor?" He said " You just stood there not knowing what to say you scoot back a bit then got up and ran away while screaming for your life "WAIT I wasn't going to hurt you!!" The man said "I-I I'm sorry" you said continuing to run the opposite direction you went back to the same sidewalk minutes later to see if the man was still there but he was gone "whoo he's gone" you sighed continuing to skip around you stopped at a nearby cafe to get some tea and tea cakes when you entered you went to the cashier "Bonjour qu'est-ce que vous aimeriez!" ( Hello what would you like!) " Puis-je avoir un café au lait et un petit gâteau au thé aux fraises s'il vous plaît?!" You said (May I get a latte with a small strawberry teacake please?!) "bien sûr!! quel est votre nom!" (Of couse!! What your name!) "Y/N L/N" you said "d'accord votre commande sera ici dans une minute s'il vous plaît allez trouver un siège" ( okay your order will be ready in a minute please go find a seat!) "D'accord et merci!" You said ( okay and thank you) You find a seat next to a window as you put your stuff away and pulled out a romance novel the door opened the same man you bumped into walked in You tried to stay as silent as possible so he wouldn't notice you but somehow he decided to look to his right and saw you sitting right there with your hands on your head with an embarrassed look he stared for a few seconds then then turned around as he went to order your food came as they waitress placed your food on your table you peeked at the man who was paying more then he should have then he whispered something to the cashier you were confused then she looked at you which made you more curious you decided to let go of it and not let your curiosity get the best of you and opened the book while taking a sip of latte then you heard a chair pull out in front of you you moved your book down a bit to see the same man sitting in front of you you immediately freaked out and pulled the book back up out of embarrassment (you had a trouble communicating with others because you had a habit of looking at someone for too long you either laugh or smile you also had stage fright) As you continued to read he said " Interesting book your reading there" you stuttered "T-Thank y-y-y-y-ouuu" you said in a low voice he probably thought he made you uncomfortable cause you didn't say anything after that and you were kind of trembling then his food came after you finished eating you went to go pay but the cashier stopped you "Your food is already paid for miss" she said while smiling "H-how?!" You said in shock "That nice man over there paid for you" She said while looking at the strange man that sat in front of you He looked over at you and smirked "T-T-T-Thank you" you said as fast as you could while speeding out there as you sat on a bench right outside the cafe you felt someone sit next to you you turned took look at who it was slowly it was the man you saw last time but he took his shades off you were literally staring at the most gorgeous green eyes you froze and turned white as a ghost he bit his lip then giggled then looked back at you and said " So I just wanted to tell you your welcome" then you turned to leave then he got up and grabbed your wrist gently stopping you tho "Wait I want to give you this" He said handing you a note it was a note that said something in French he thought you didn't understand French the note said •depuis que je t'ai rencontré je suis tombé amoureux O/N tu es la plus belle fille que j'ai jamais vue je voulais te donner ça, appelle moi mon amour♡︎ •(ever since I met you I have fallen in love Y/N you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen I wanted to give you this, call me my love♡︎)with a number underneath you looked up and stared at him for a few seconds then you ran up to him and kissed him then hugged him "tu sais que je comprends le français non?!" (You know I understand French right?!) that left him shocked then he smiled you pulled away from the hug then kissed him again then said "I love you too<3" as you walked away "I'll be sure to call you!!" You said while running

The end
This is the end hope you enjoyed this kinda took me some time lol
Word count: 865

4town one shots :)) (head cannons as well)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant