Part 14

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I woke up the next morning quietly trying not to wake Y/n up. I opened the icebox noticing all the things she had bought. I packed some of the fruit and made myself a sandwich with some left over bread she had decided to bake late at night from being stressed out. Wouldn't listen to me when I told her she needed her rest and that's why Is letting her sleep in. I kissed her on the cheek and she groaned shifting in her sleep.

I headed back to work. "Mornin." Eyepatch told me. "Mornin."

"So how did it go talkin to yous lady about the baby's future?"

"If it's one thing about Y/n it's that she's stubborn." I smirked climbing up after Eyepatch. "Hey Eyepatch why don't yous let me give yous a hand with some of them tools?" He looked down and tried to hand me one of the toolboxes but dropped it. We were 115 yards off the ground. Suddenly his hand slipped. Everything happened in slow motion. I dropped everything I was holding and gripped on the bar with my right hands and gripped his hand with my left. Suddenly my foot slipped.


I woke up smiling that Spot and I had finally come to an agreement about our future together. I cooked myself some eggs and sausage and ate up then looked around me. The tenement could use a bit of tidying up before he would get back home. I stripped all the sheets off the bed and got some of his dirty laundry then boiled some water and got to washing. I let them soak for a little while before scrubbing them. Meanwhile I began dusting off the furniture and cleaning the windows and scrubbing the johnny closet and metal tub setting it back. I then began scrubbing the laundry, rinsed it, wrung out, mangled it, and hung them out to dry. it would be a while before I could starch and iron them so I began to prepare dinner for tonight. Just as I was about to heat up the stove and light it I heard a knock on the door. "Y/n it's me Racetrack Higgins, Spots friend." I opened the door and smiled then frowned when he took off his hat. "Spots not in he went to work." I said. "I know. That's why I'm here." He looked at me then behind me. "Ya may wanna sit down. Can I come in?"

"Of course please." I said and we sat down at the table as I handed him a glass of water. "Is everything okay?" He took a sip of his water then looked me in the eye. "Something happened while Spot was working. I was there." I began to grow worried. "The was an accident." I felt my airways closing up. Was he seriously injured? Did something collapse on him? What if he died? "Racetrack please tell me Spot is alright."

"This morning a little while after they showed up to work Eyepatch slipped from the building." I took a sharp inhale. "Spot grabbed him before he could fall but then he slipped too. Luckily he still had his hand on the bar. They were hanging there for hours before I showed up. The police were there. Y/n Eyepatch died because Spot couldn't hold on any longer then the bar came loose as he was trying to pull himself up. He's not dead, the bars slowly loosened together. He fell 50 feet after that. I saw it. Hes in real bad shape." I felt tears sting my face. "Is he okay?"

"He's alive."

"But is he conscious?"

"I'll take ya to the hospital."

I walked in quietly. He was asleep in a hospital bed a cast on his leg, bandage around his torso, and a bandage around his head. I teared up looking at him like this. This is awful. I walked up to him and held his hand in mine gently and kissed his palm. He woke up. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I said in a whisper. "It's alright. I enjoy waking up to yous beautiful face." He caressed my cheek then winced. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

"No. No I'm alright." Tears began welling up in my eyes again. "Please don't cry doll" "I'm sorry. I don't mean to cry, it's just Racetrack had me so worried when he told me about the accident and here you are unable to move without you hurting yourself."

"Believe me doll it could've gone a whole lot worse. I just wish I coulda saved Eyepatch."

"I can't imagine having to hold on for hours to save a friend's life. You had done the best you could. I am so upset with the working conditions." He gave me a serious stare then he spoke up.

" He gave me a serious stare then he spoke up

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"Me too. That's why I also told Racetrack to tell William about your pregnancy."

"You told him I'm having you're child?"

"No." I furrowed my eyebrows confused. "I told him to tell him you were having his baby and that you came over to say goodbye to me. Racetrack also told him about the incident. He's on his way here now to collect you." More tears streamed down my face. "No please Spot." He looked away. "No. Please who's going to care for you? Please Spot I love you so much. I don't want to live without you. Our baby wont know you. Our baby wont know how great of a man you are."

"It's too risky. After today I made up my mind." The nurse came into the room. "Mrs. Cambridge. You're husband is out waiting for you on the main floor." I nodded my head looking back towards Spot. "Mr. Conlon it's time for your medication." The medication that they had given him made him drowsy causing him to fall asleep almost instantly. "Will you be back to visit your friend? I can put you on the list for tomorrow."

"No. I'm sorry but this will probably be my last visit." I replied walking out the door and down the hallway.

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