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     Code. He was here.

     Sasuke crouched in front of the seal mark on the cave wall, carefully examining the portal. It was impossible to decipher when this seal was created as he had minimal information on Code's powers.

     I should send a report back to Naruto... though, I doubt this would help a lot.

     Thus, walking out of the cave mouth, he sent a messenger bird off to the Hidden Leaf Village. There was still a chance that more teleportation seals were hidden in the area so Sasuke continued to find any leads.

     He had slept in X village the night before and had, of course, sensed Team 7's chakra but thought it was too dangerous to get them involved, leaving them to complete their mission.


     "Ack-", suddenly Sasuke recoiled to the ground, hitting his lower back on a tree trunk. It most likely left a bruise, narrowly missing his spine, but that was the least of his worries. Springing back up, the raven-haired jumped back, activating his Sharingan to find any presence of chakra. Strangely enough, he felt waves of it around him blocking his senses from detecting other chakra sources. It penetrated through his skin and flesh, numbing his arm and legs. Sasuke, unable to move or feel, fell to the ground, his body paralysed.

     He couldn't distinguish any enemies nearby but... what was he going to do now that he cannot move?

     He must've set off something... but how? Although he wielded the Sharingan, he did not detect any danger, and hence he was victimised. Impossible, he thought in disbelief, only a scientific ninja tool could do this. It must be Kara.

     The sound was pretty loud, my ears are still ringing. Team 7 should have heard that since it's not that far away from X village.

     As if on cue, fast-paced footsteps approached the area which he recognised as Team 7's.

     "Stay back! It's still not safe."

     "Papa, it's you!" They could not see him as the trees blocked their vision, but they could still hear him.

     "I am temporarily paralysed. Something got me; chakra was released and it affected my body."

     Having not seen Sasuke in a long time, Boruto impulsively leapt across the branches and was the first to approach him, completely disregarding Sarada's futile attempt at stopping him.

     "We're coming over!" Sarada shouted, utilising her Sharingan to survey the surroundings.

     "Sasuke, are you hurt?!" Boruto asked frantically. Sasuke looked up at Boruto who must've grown since the last time they saw each other. Boruto's intimidatingly deep blue eye slowly scanned him for any injuries. It was such a normal gesture... but even so, it still made Sasuke's mind wander to Naruto.

     The father and son had the same eyes, but not of the same hue. To Sasuke, Naruto's eyes weren't just blue. They possessed an excruciating and insufferable pain, to an unimaginable extent. Sasuke understood, he felt it every time Naruto would look at him, that familiar ache of guilt throbbed inside of him. After all, it was he who prolonged his best friend's hardship. Even after 17 years, Sasuke would never forget what he felt under his tormented gaze as they pleaded for him to return, for the gaze belonged to the person he loved the most.

     The Uchiha's feelings were never returned, and never will be, and he knew that. He knew it was selfish. Naruto has a beautiful wife and a precious family, and so does he. He truly loves his wife, Sakura... though he doesn't love her the same way he loves Naruto. He has everything...

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