When You Have a Nightmare / Jeon Jungkook

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P.O.V Jungkook
"No...no...NO STOP!" I woke up to my fiancé, Y/N,mumbling in her sleep and crying. I sat up and turned on the light. I looked at her and her face was very pale and she was sweating a lot. Her face contorted like she was in pain and that was enough for me. I gently put my hand on her shoulder and shook her lightly. I didn't want to scare her anymore than the nightmare had

"Y/N, baby wake up." I cooed in her ear softly.
Her tears eyes fluttered open and she sat up slowly. Her breath hitched as a sob started to escape her throat. I wrapped my arms around her and caressed her small baby bump. Y/N was 5 months pregnant with our first child, a little boy named Kai, who was the most precious thing to us.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. She nodded and placed her small hand on top of mine.

"Someone had broken into the house. You weren't here and I had tried to call you but you didn't answer. Th-they found me in Kai's room and I was holding him. I was holding him so close Kookie but they took him from me and they....they started hurting him and I just-" I cradled her in my arms and kissed her forehead several times in an attempt to calm her down. I hated seeing her in so much emotional pain. Losing our baby boy was her biggest fear and I know she would do anything to keep him safe.

"Baby I promise you that I will protect both of you for the rest of your lives. Nobody and nothing is going to harm my two angels. Ever. I promise." I pecked her lips gently and played with her hair. She let off a soft smile and buried her face in my neck, leaving small pecks on my soft spot.

"I love you bunny." Y/N mumbled and continued to peck at my soft spot. I hummed in contentment and closed my eyes
"I love you too carrot." She giggled at the silly name.
"C'mon baby, lets go back to sleep." I mumbled and turned off the light again. Y/N and I laid down next to each other and I immediately wrapped my arms around her and caressed her bump. Before I knew it, Y/N was sound asleep with a cute little smile on her face.

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