Wedding Day / Kim Seokjin

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P.O.V narrator
Today was the day you two had been waiting for. Finally you and Jin were getting married! You had been with Jin for five years. You stood by his side and supported him through every up and down, and he stood by you in return. Jin popped the big question on a super romantic date that he had planned with the help of his members. Things didn't quite go as planned that day but that's a story for another time ;). The days leading up to the wedding seemed like they had dragged on forever with all the planning and preparation. But it was all worth it.

I didn't know what emotion to feel as I sat in my hotel room getting primped for the big day. I mix of emotions clouded my brain and overwhelmed me. I wanted to cry, laugh, smile, and throw up all at the same time. My palms were sweaty and the fear of ruining my mascara kept my tears at bay. We had planned out this day for so long, but I had fantasied about this day since I was a child. I had finally found my Prince Charming and I was going to be with him for the rest of my life.
I got into my dress and we made our way to the beautiful venue that our wedding was being held at.
"Are you ready to go honey?" My dad asked with a soft smile on his face. I took in a shaky breath before replying.
"I think so."
My dad and I began to walk down the aisle to my loving fiancé Jin. Everything in that moment was perfect. I didn't trip, the music was beautiful, I didn't cry, and most importantly I had Jin.

P.O.V Jin
I had been dreaming of this day since the moment I met her and it was finally happening. There she was with her father leading her down the aisle. She looked absolutely stunning in her beautiful wedding dress with her hair and makeup all done up like a princess, my princess. When she finally reached the end of the aisle and her father gave her away to me, I couldn't stop smiling. My heart was pounding inside my chest and I swore I couldn't see anything else but her.

P.O.V narrator
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered her today to celebrate one of the most beautiful moments in life and to cherish the words that will unite this man and this woman together in marriage. Before we proceed if anyone has any objections to this union speak now or forever hold your peace." The officiant spoke and as expected nobody objected.
"This ceremony will not create a relationship that does not already exist between you but will act as a symbol of how far you have grown in the years of your relationship. It symbolizes the promises you will make to each other and the love you have for each other. Before we exchange rings, the bride and groom have prepared a few words for each other."
Jin looked at Y/N with nothing but love in his eyes as he began his speech to her.

"Y/N, you've known me for a long time and most of the time you know me better than I know myself. You have stuck by me through everything and for that I am eternally grateful. You supported my career as an idol when I thought that nobody else would. From the day that we met, I knew that you were the one for me. I'm so fortunate to have found a woman as sweet, kind, smart, funny, and as beautiful as you. I know that there are days when I'm not perfect and that I get frustrated and jealous but looked past that and you saw the man that loves you with all his heart. I love you Y/N and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Jin smiled and wiped the tears that had started to roll down your cheeks. Now it was your turn to give your speech.

"Oh boy I wish I would of worn waterproof mascara." You commented before starting your speech, making the audience and Jin chuckle, "Jinnie words cannot even begin to describe how happy you make me. You are the reason I have a smile on my face all the time from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. Despite all the ups and downs of our relationship we made it work and it was thanks to your optimism and positivity that we made our relationship what it is today. You've always been so gentle and caring with me even when you were in a bad mood or if we fought. I want to be with you forever and I want to have a happy family with you Jinnie. You are my everything and I love you so so so much."

After your speeches it's safe to say that there were quite a few teary eyes in the crowd. Jin and you smiled at each other from ear to ear as you exchanging of the rings happened. Finally you both had your wedding rings on your fingers and now came the fun part.
"Today we have all been witnesses to this beautiful love and it is with great honor that I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." The applause from your family and friends roared as Jin pulled her close and pressed a sweet kiss on your lips. Time stopped and it felt like the only two people in the world were you two. He tried to keep his hormones under control and keep it PG but his tongue danced with yours and you but his bottom lip softly, earning a slight groan from him. Both of you pulled back and pressed your foreheads together so your noses were touching and your eyes were closed, just enjoying the moment.
"I love you princess." Jin whispered and a smiled graced his face.
"I love you too Jinnie."

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