"So how come you all of a sudden now want to party" she asks, I look out the window wondering if I should tell her what's fueling my irrational decisions.

"I don't know I just felt like it" I say, Maddy turns around and gives me a weird look.

"bitch please you've been playing nerd for half a year now something has made you do it" She says, I look at her and shake my head.

"I went to see Fez and Ash and when I walked into the fridge to see Ash I saw a girl snogging and practically dry humping him" I say, Maddy's jaw drops and I see Haden look at me through the mirror.

"Fuck Els I'm sorry" She says as she looks at me with sympathy.

"Its okay, I mean we aren't together It just hurt" I sat truthfully.

"Okay so you know what you have to do now" She says, I shake my head not understanding. she just smiles and looks at Haden. "Make him jealous" She says with a evil grin on her face.

After we finally get to the party, which is filled with older people making me feel a little uneasy, we make our way through the crowds. Maddy picks up two cups and Haden goes off to his mates. Maddy begins to pour two drinks and hands me one.

"Oh Mads I don't know" I say as I look down at my cup.

"Its one drink and I'm keeping an eye on you for not doing drugs" She says as she begins to down her drink, I stare at her not knowing what to do. "Girl you will need it for what we are going to do tonight" She says, I shake my head and she just pushes the cup to my lip making the fluid go into my mouth.

After a little bit of drinking and catching up Maddy quickly pauses "Oh shit here they are" She says, a group of lads come up to us and Maddy introduces me to them. "Eli this is Jake, Juke, Alex and Conner" Maddy says as the boys say hi.

"Boys this is Eli" She says then whispers something in there ears which I don't hear. "Let the fun begin" She says as she takes one of the boys hand and leads them through the crowd. One of the boys that I remember as Jake takes my hand and drags me with him following the rest.

We go into a room downstairs that has more people in yet its a little bit more quieter. We all sit round on the couch while I'm seated between Jake and Conner.

"So were going to have a little game of Truth or dare" Maddy says as she sits up a bit and speaks to us as others gather in wanting to join. "But there's a twist, If you pick two truths on the next round you have to kiss someone" she says, all the guys hype each other up while some girls look uneasy, Maddy gives me a smirk and sits back.

"Jake you start, truth or dare" Maddy says, Jake smirks and chuckles.

"Dare I aint no pussy" He says, Maddy whispers to another girl and then looks back at Jake.

"Snog Amelia for 2 minuets straight, with tongue" Jake just gets up and goes straight for Amelia, the two start snogging and fully going at it. After there done Jake gets to pick the next person. After another few people do truths or dares my name gets called.

"Eli, Truth or dare" Alex says across from me, I smirk and look straight at him.

"Truth" I say.

"ooo picking the easy one I see" he says, he then starts to think then suddenly looks at me "Where's the best place you've had sex?" He asks, my face goes pale, I've never had sex, I'm a virgin, I don't want them to know, I look at Maddy and she tilts her head, I start to get nervous and skip it "Ill do dare" I say, he just smirks and claps his hands together "Good girl that's what I like to hear" He says, he then whispers to one of his friends then looks back at me. "I dare you to snog Haden" He says.

I look at Maddy and she just shrugs, I look at him to see him staring right at me with his friends surrounding him, I push my nerves down and get up and go up to him, he is standing up and his tall figure leans over me, I go to kiss him but he stops me, I stop and embarrassment fills me did I just get pied?

 I go to turn away when he grabs my face and pulls down and kisses me, I melt into the kiss and kiss him back with force, people around us start clapping and making sexual noises and after a couple of seconds he pulls away and looks at me.

I smile at him and step away and sit back down. After awhile of playing the game people eventually get bored and split up, I get up and go upstairs, I make my way through crowds when my arms gets pulled.

I scream but a hand covers my mouth. I get pulled into a bed room and when I look up I see Haden leaning over me.

"holy shit you scared me" I say as I catch my breathe.

"Sorry I just wanted to speak with you" he says chuckling.

He pulls his hand away from my mouth and he steps back.

"Are you okay?" He asks, I nod and look at him, it goes quite for a while and I'm not sure what to do.

"You said you wanted to speak to me" I say, he just nods and brushes his hand through his hair.

"Yeah I just wanted to make sure you were okay, I mean I didnt want to make you feel forced or anything" He says, I just smile at him.

"I didnt feel forced at all, I wanted to kiss you and you just did it before me" I say laughing a bit, he smiles and takes a step closer.

"When Maddy said I had to take one of her nerdy friends to one of my friends party I was defiantly not expecting you" He said as he takes a step closer.

"Is that a compliment" I say, he just gives a low chuckle.

"It defiantly was, What that guy did to you, he's a dick and made the worst decision ever" He says, I wish I found comfort in that but as soon as he mentioned Ash my heart ached again.

"He's just hurting, I put him through a lot of pain" I say as I look down. I feel a warm hand pull my face up and I look into Haden's eyes.

"He has now put you through pain, get revenge" He says, He's so close to me now that I can feel his breathe on my neck, it sends goose bumps through me.

Before I say anything he has captured my lips and I let him. We begin to kiss more and more roughly and before I know it I'm picked up and my legs go around him. We begin a heated make out sesh and we begin to take each others clothes off.

When I'm left in just my bra and pants I become self conscious, I have self harm scars all over my thighs and I can see that Haden Is looking at them, I get my dress and try put it back on but Haden try's to stop me.

"Its okay" He says, as he try's to comfort me, I just shake him off.

"Look I need to go home Its late and I've had too much to drink sorry" I say as I slither my dress back on. He just nods and puts his clothes back on.

We find Maddy snogging someone and pull her away, we get in the car and they drop me off home.

Hope you all liked x

 Love you all

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