A Sort of Sequel but Mostly a Standalone

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Hello, and welcome to And Then Came You!

I started this story for NaNoWriMo but didn't get very far before family stuff took over, including my mother passing away. I unpublished what I had in order to work through some complicated emotions—and now it's back! My updating schedule is a little crazy at the moment as I work on some things offline and figure out where I go from here with my writing.

If you've read my romance Strawberry Wine (the first, unedited draft is on Wattpad, but the revised and much longer version is now available on Amazon for only 99¢—please leave an Amazon review, they help so much!), this is the sequel. Kinda, sorta. It can also be read as a standalone. The main character here was the best friend last time, and I feel like she, too, has a story to share.

This is a New Adult romance and I'm thinking there will be some spice—but also a whole lot of sweet! The level of heat has not yet been determined, but at present time, I'm feeling a tad...amorous. I guess we'll have to wait and see! 😆

In the meantime, let me introduce you to the main characters:

In the meantime, let me introduce you to the main characters:

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