The Death Games (pt.3)

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Sarah and Maria both looked horrified as they watched Tracy get eaten alive, zombies tearing out chunks from her body before she passed out. When Tracy was dead and her body was completely torn apart a whistle blew in the stadium where Tracy had died and the zombies carried what remained of Tracy away, eating her flesh as they walked.
Sarah herself was picked second and her tube slid away when a little green light went on on the bosses control council. Sarah screamed and banged on the glass but there was nothing she could do. Sarah whimpered as the tube emerged sticking her in another city. She looked around and whimpered as she saw she was in the slums of the city and it was very humid as well. So much so that she had started sweating immediately.
The same drone came by and hovered around her, giving her fifty minutes grace period. Sarah ran into the city as fast as she could, stopping at a rundown gun store with bars over the windows. She went through the door and looked around. Sarah panted as she grabbed two AR15's and slung them over her back, gritting her teeth as the straps went down the middle of her massive tits. She grabbed a worn backpack she saw hanging on a shelf and grabbed, jamming pistols and ammo into it.
She went back outside to look for a clothing store when the drone beeped. She cursed, having forgotten to check it. Her tanned body glistened from all the sweat.
Instead of zombies though something else came out. Sarah grumbled and made her way to the forest outside of the city. She moved with her gun out as she saw a clothing store. Sarah entered the clothing store slowly, getting the feeling she was being watched. She slipped on a pair of yoga pants with one hand as she saw used a mirror in the store to keep an eye out behind her. Something glimmered in the mirror and she immediately dove for cover when the mirror exploded. She gasped and shot at whoever or whatever had shot at her had come from. Three bullets whizzed through clear air. She checked her surroundings and ran out a emergency exit. She ran as fast as her fat legs would allow her. She caught a glimpse of that glimmering silhouette and dove behind a dumpster. An explosion had erupted behind her where she had been standing a while ago.
She got back up and resumed running.
Sarah gasped and panted as she smashed through a locked door into a house. Her entire body ached and her lungs burned from lack of air. She took a step forward. She was going to out the back door when she stepped on something. Before she knew it she was hanging from the ceiling by her feet, her body painfully  stretched out.
Sarah gritted her teeth as she hung upside down, spread eagle. Sarah groaned as her entire body ached, her arms secured to the ground. The thing that had been hunting her stepped through the door, decloaking or whatever. Sarah groaned as she squirmed to look up at it but couldn't see its face. She groaned as it tore away her backpack and weapons and stripped off her only sat of clothes. Its hands felt up her massive ass and squeezed it hard before taking out a measuring tape. It began measuring every part of her curvy body. It measured her hips, legs, waist, tits, and arms before putting the tape measure away. The monster grabbed her massive right tit and held it up, sliding a thin wire of a machine around her tanned breast. Sarah grunted as the wire stopped at the base of her massive tit. It did the same to her other tit before turning both machines on.
Sarah watched as the wire tightened and for the first few minutes it didn't hurt. Her eyes filled with pain and she began screaming as the wire quickly got tighter and tighter around the base of her tits. Seconds slowed down to minutes as pain filled her body. The machines were silent and soon her massive tits were cut off Sarah's chest and fell into the monsters hands. It pulled out a large suitcase made to keep stuff cold and shoved her massive tits inside it.
Sarah should have passed out or bled to death but the little machine put skin back on where it had cut. Sarah panted, now flat as a wooden two by four. Than it shoved a machine with a tube on the end up her mouth and forced it down into her stomach. It moved behind her after picking up the two machines and felt up her massive, tanned ass cheeks. Her eyes widened in fear as the monster wrapped the wire around her ass cheeks. She couldn't move though.
Sarah screamed through the tube as the wire began squeezing her huge ass. Pain jumped through her body as her ass was soon cut off and grabbed by the monster. He put her massive ass cheeks into a similar case before starting up the machine attached to the tube.  Sarah's eyes widened as several pounds of highly nutrient brown stuff was shoved down her throat into her belly, stretching it and expanding her tanned belly outward. She groaned and gurgled as her belly expanded and stretched till it looked like she was one month pregnant, slowly expanding. Her poor belly soon looked like she was five months pregnant and the machine didn't stop pumping her belly full of what she had.
Sarah was to preoccupied with her swelling gut to notice her ass cheeks and tits started growing back on her body. Sarah's eyes watered as her belly reached twenty months overdue before the creature let Sarah down and wrapped a leash around her neck. The creature took the machine with its tube out of Sarah's mouth before leading her outside to its ship. Sarah groaned and squirmed in fear as she realized her massive tits and ass were going be farmed. Sarah screamed in terror as she realized she couldn't escape either.

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