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Once I've got everything situated at the Lake for some fishing, I feel calm and can finally relax. The pups are happy to mosy around the area or nap in the sun next to my chair. Around nine AM I've caught enough fish for lunch and dinner and have seen nothing but a couple of chipmunks, a park Ranger, and a few locals who mostly keep to the other side of the Lake. I decide it's time to pack it up and head back to the Bus.

As I head up the trail to my spot, I hear a vehicle approach, so I move to the side to let them pass. I see it's a converted van that looks really fancy shmacy and comfortable. The driver goes past me, and we share a wave.

It's not unusual to see someone come up for a couple of camping days during the work week to avoid all the weekenders, but they typically stick to the closer campsites as they are sometimes better maintained than the outlying spots.

As I trod up the last hill before my spot, I see the Camper Van parked right next to me in spot number 26. Now, this was absolutely unusual and started to make me uncomfortable. I started to get a weird feeling in my belly, and my senses were on high alert. Before I could get a look at my new neighbor, all three of my hounds decided to make our presents known with some loud and excited yips and yaps for the new neighbor.

There was nothing that could prepare me for the man that came out from the van. He was absolute sex on a stick. From where I was he seemed to be on the higher end of six feet tall, with the most luscious looking brown hair that just fell into place above his brow line, a light spread of dark facial hair, and brown eyes that I can't look away from even if I tried.

After seeing a smirk on those sexy lips, I realize I've been drooling over his face for far longer than necessary. I quickly get myself together and murmur what I hope is a, "hello".

The tall, dark, and handsome stranger starts walking my way with a gorgeous smile and immediately starts talking sweet to the pups and if I didn't think he was hot as hell before well his voice sent me into overdrive. All I could focus on was him. I didn't realize he stopped talking to the dogs and was now looking at and talking to me until I heard him say, "Hey there. Are you alright?" I can again only hope that I don't make myself look like an even bigger moron with my response.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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