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"Are you not going to eat?"

"If I don't eat, Auntie won't make me go to school."

Kilian sat at the table with a tired look as he ruefully poked at the pancakes on his plate with a fork, y/n standing behind his chair and dutifully brushing his hair.

The little boy was already dressed and ready for school, his bag having been packed and prepped the night before.

Yuri resided a brow, "You don't want to go to school now? Why? Did something happen at orientation?"

"Kil was swarmed by a bunch of girls, and that sweet little girl he met during the entrance exams introduced him to her parents." y/n hummed with a little smile, "Is the thought of having friends really that terrifying to you, Kilian?"

"I don't need friends." Kilian replied stiffly.

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"He needs them, but he'll never have any with that attitude." Yuri mumbled before speaking up, "Why do you think you don't need friends?"

"Because they're a waste of time, and energy. Especially when they turn out to be filthy liars who only wanted to use you for their own benefit!" Kilian snapped, "That... and they're just annoying."

"Well, you don't have to be friends with your classmates." y/n offered, "You can be acquaintances. Tell you what, if you make two acquaintances today, we'll go buy strawberry tarts."

"Deal." Kilian said without missing a heartbeat before beginning to practically inhale the pancakes on his plate.

Y/n finished tending to his hair, and she kissed Yuri goodbye when the man departed for work. It was another five minutes before Elena arrived and y/n hurried out to take care of some unknown business.

So, Elena drove Kilian to school.

He got to ride to school in a limousine, bag in his lap as he watched his surroundings zoom by through the window.

"So! First day of school!" Elena chirped as she was driving, "How are you feeling, Young Master Kilian?"

"I'm feeling okay, I guess." 'Auntie is gonna buy me some strawberry tarts!' "And please, just call me Kilian."

"Mm... what about Lord Kilian?"

"I'm not important enough for a title like that." Kilian replied dismissively before offering the woman a little smile, "Besides, since you're going to be my Nanny, we should be friends!"

"Friends...?" Elena echoed.

There was a long moment of silence before her lips quirked up into a little smile, "Very well, Kilian. Let's be friends."

Kilian let out a small exhale before looking out the window once more, a distant look in his eyes.

Soon enough, they pulled up to Eden Academy and Elena stepped out the car. She opened up the door for Kilian with a, "Here we are, Young Master."

He gave the woman a pout, and she gave him a simple little smile in return, "Enjoy your day, Kilian."

At the sound of his name, the boy nodded with a little smile before slipping out of the car. He waved to the woman before beginning to walk away.

Before he could even leave the stairs after ascending and entering the gates of Eden, he heard an excited, "Ian! Ian, over here!"

Ah, great...

Kilian turned towards the source of the voice and found Becky and Anya there. They were both waving to him with bright smiles, clearly gesturing for him to join them.

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