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The world was a canvas.

A canvas filled with color and life, a work of art which was constantly changing with time.

Kilian was a painter.

In a moment, he could change the appearance of the world. Temporarily, through the use of vivid and life-like illusions, but enough to impact people around him.

He could paint new realities in the blink of an eye, only visible to those he wanted his art to be seen by.

However, if he spent too much time painting these vivid illusions, he'd run into a little something called artist's block. The paint which formed his illusions would begin to run, it would slowly become less and less life-like to the point where those who beheld his art would be able to see through the cracks in this painted reality they'd been trapped in.

Of course, practice could fix this problem.

But Kilian had no interest in practicing.
Rather than relying on his illusions, he preferred to lean on knowledge and people skills.

Anya, on the other hand, was very different.

She used her telepathy to tell when Kilian was sleeping or not so she could harass him into getting her peanuts from the truck that always dropped random things each time it rolled by.

She used her telepathy to find Kilian whenever he was hiding from her and the other children.

On top of that, she managed to find a way to see through Kilian's illusions through the use of telepathy, deciphering what was real and what was not based on his thoughts.

He had multiple ways of preventing this, but he had neither the materials nor determination for it.

All of Kilian's problems stemmed from the esper abilities which both him and Anya happened to possess.

Every. Single. One.
And that wasn't an overestimation, it was true.

"Ian! When is your Mob Boss Aunt gonna come?"

"Hush! Keep your voice down!!!" Kilian hissed, as Anya joined him by the window and scrambled onto the wooden crate so she could peek outside with him, "She's here."

He pressed a finger against the window, Anya following it and her eyes landing up a young woman who shared Kilian's s/c skin and beauty mark.

"That's her right there." Kilian explained before pointing to the dark skinned young man who was helping the familiar Hot Cocoa Lady out of the car, "That one is my Aunt's bodyguard, he was assigned to her shortly after my Dad's death so it's likely he's still protecting her, and the Hot Cocoa Lady is here too!"

"Woah... they all look so intimidating..." Anya murmured, "Who's the blonde lady right there?"

When she received no reply, she turned her gaze to Kilian with a curious, "Ian? What's wrong?"

Kilian and sunk a little lower until only his eyes were peeking above the windowsill, an unusually nauseous look upon his face.

"I'm not sure... but she's giving me really scary vibes..." Kilian grumbled before hopping off the crate, "Come on, we've gotta head back to our spot and look as inconspicuous as possible!"

"Right! Let's go be inn-mon-pick-you-oos!" Anya exclaimed, following Kilian. Just as the two children hurried around the corner, the middle aged Orphanage Owner opened the door for the visitors.

"Huh? It's you again." he realized when he recognized the Hot Cocoa Lady, "What do you want this time?"

"We're here for a kid." the woman replied simply before glancing at y/n, "Well, she is. May we enter?"

𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐏𝐒 ✄ 𝐒𝐏𝐘𝐗𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 [OLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora