"Calm down Habiba, don't worry you will be fine, I've got the best doctor with me, he will treat you, okay?"

"Okay," I muffled struggling to calm my fear.

After 30 minutes, the doctor examined me and prescribed an eye drop to help ease my condition, he then asked me a few questions which awakened my sixth sense.

"I didn't have anything other than my usual breakfast and I'm presently not on any medication," I replied.

"And after that, try to remember did you have any other thing? Or are you allergic to anything?" The doctor asked.

"I don't have an allergy and other than breakfast, I only had my mother-in-law's meal."

"You had her food? How is it possible when she doesn't even know how to cook?" Abdul asked.

"She gave me a lunch pack and that was the last thing I ate," I replied.

"Do you have a leftover? I will like to examine it." The doctor asked.

"Sorry, sir I don't."

"Well from your test result and my observations, we found traces of poison in your system...

"What?" I gasped.

"Don't panic nothing will happen to you, the poison only affects your sight and mental state temporarily and with the injection and drugs I had prescribed, you will be fine." He explains.

"Mother-in-law? What will she gain by making me go blind during my exams?" I muffled in utmost shock and disbelief.

"Habiba we'll discuss this later, let me see him off." Abdul sighed.

"Before you leave, please tell me, doctor, when will I be able to open my eyes? They hurt a lot and I can't return home in this state."

"You have to be patient, give it a few hours, and the eye drop will become effective."

"I hope so, thanks a lot." I sighed while wishing I'd listened to Grandma when she asked me to trash the food, all this won't have happened...


Laying in my uncomfortable position with my eyes shut, I kept thinking of the exams, what will I tell everyone?

"I just pray I get my sight at its earliest." I thought aloud, and at that moment, my mind completely went blank leading me into a slumber.


"Najib I'm sorry, please don't hurt me." I sobbed.

Everywhere was filled with fog, there was no one except Najib and me, seeing Najib in terror while he jerked me onto the floor, I began to wail and plead with him, but as usual, he didn't give me a listening ear while he has an angry look.

Once he pounced on me and began to throw punches at my face, I screamed for help and I could hear a voice from a distance but the person wasn't visible as my eyes were still shut.

"Help! Someone please help me, Najib wants to kill me." I yelled further.

"Habiba, Habiba?" The voice instantly became very audible that I could perceive the person's presence.

"Open your eyes, it's me, Abdul." He whispered.

"I can't, please help me." I kept screaming for help until I was drained with water.

"Habiba, what happened? Why were you yelling in your sleep?" Abdul questioned with concern while wiping off the water he threw at my face.

"It's... Najib, he was furious at me a while ago." I stammered while trying to get off the bed when he pinned me back.

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