The only thing he wanted was to find Alistair and kill him. You would think after what he did to those guards the King would be slightly afraid but he wasn't at all, probably because it was the lives of his soldiers that were at risk and not his. The Catholic church had embarked on numerous witch hunts around the kingdom, if even just one of Alistair's kind had survived the cleanse they assumed many more remained.

In times of panic, the kingdom was weak and so there couldn't be a more perfect timing for our coup.

My friend Jeremiah handed me my armor while already dressed in his.

"Today is the day Virgil, try not to get killed" Jeremiah joked

"No promises" I responded.

I got dressed in my armor. Cheap and incomplete, but it protected all the important parts. Being an independent army we could not afford fancy armors like the royal army had so we had to make do with what we had. We were secretly funded by a few nobles who believed in our cause.

As the finishing touch, we all put on our silver masks, our main identity as Silver Hearts.

Colossus stepped in the center of the room, although we were all masked I could tell it was him because his silver mask unlike everybody else's was spiked and had a streak of red across it.

"Before we leave boys, there is something of utmost importance we must discuss" Colossus said with a serious tone, silence fell over the room.

"I will get straight to the point. I cannot stress enough how important loyalty is among us Silver Hearts. So if anyone here plans on pulling any shit today that might jeopardize our plan, out with it!"

The silence felt more deafening after he said that.

"Or... If you have already pulled some shit, maybe you revealed our plans to our enemies or anyone for that matter, confess now and I might be merciful. Because believe me, I will find out, and you will not even live long enough to regret your actions"

Colossus looked around the room hopefully for anyone to come forward but nobody did. I could not blame him for being so cautious, the reason why we failed in the past was because a spy had been among us and revealed our plans to the kingdom.

Nobody said anything for over a minute, so Colossus added "Alright then, this is also your last chance to leave. You must understand that all our lives are at risk today so you might as well do the honorable thing and back out now if you're too afraid of dying"

I could feel the anxiety growing in the room. After a couple of seconds, a man spoke up.

"I, I think I will leave"

Colossus sighed disappointedly.

"I'm sorry. It's just, well my wife and sons, I am afraid of leaving them"

"Well you should have thought about that before you agreed to fight with us. Leave" Colossus said as he waved his hand dismissively.

The man bowed his head in shame as he took off his armor and started to leave.

"I'm sorry boys" he said as he finally left.

I scoffed with annoyance. How could anyone claim to love their kingdom if they were not willing to die for it? I felt Colossus's disappointment. Numbers were already not on our side, so with anyone that left it put us at a disadvantage.

"Now that that's out of the way..." Colossus was saying before he suddenly slashed his left hand with a knife, collective gasps were heard. With his hand still bleeding, he raised it up and then placed it against his heart.

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