Chapter Twelve

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"Penelope! Your father awaits you" I heard Yesenia say loudly from outside my room.

"I will be out soon!" I yelled back as I finished up the letter I was writing. It was a letter addressed to my father, and it was an explanation for the events that would soon follow.

I finished it and wrapped it neatly in an envelope. I took a look at myself in my full sized mirror and smiled. I had ended up dressing much simpler than I had initially planned.

I wore a white long sleeved shirt that stayed off my shoulders with a bright red dress and a brown belt.

I abandoned my usual flat shoes for brown boots. I rarely ever needed to wear them, but with what I had planned I needed to be able to run.

For once, my long gold hair wasn't done in elaborate braids and it was left to flow freely. I looked very different than I usually did, I almost didn't recognize myself.

"This is your last chance to back out" I said to myself. It was my last chance to save myself from the reckless decision I had made in the heat of the moment.

"No!" I said out loudly. This was my life, it was about time I made decisions for myself and did what I wanted to do for once. I took a deep breath and grabbed the letter and my bag. I looked around my room appreciatively before dashing out the door.

I bumped into Yesenia immediately, I handed the letter to her hastily and said "Please give this to my father when he returns" as I embraced her tightly.

My eyes watered slightly as I let go of her, she looked at me confused and replied "Of course Penelope". She eyed my stuffed bag suspiciously,

"What are you doing with all those clothes my lady?"

"I... I plan to give them out at the carnival"

"Umm, alright then"
I gave her one last hug before I ran down the stairs to meet my father.

He was waiting by the carriage, he turned to face me and his face broke into a heartfelt smile.

"You look just like your mother" he said tearfully, I felt a wave of sadness as I remembered my mother. The coachman opened the door for us and we both stepped inside. I said a silent goodbye to the manor as we left.

A few minutes into our journey, we had already arrived at the heart of the city, I could hear music thundering from afar.

The usual washed out streets were filled with color and I stared in awe as I saw dancers in beautiful costumes pass by. The coachman slowed down so I could take in the beautiful view.

As we continued to move I was suddenly hit with a light heat, smoke soon filled my nose and I looked out the window desperately trying to find the source.

I soon noticed a large crowd of people gathered at one spot and surrounding a huge fire, that was when I caught a glimpse of what was truly happening.

On a wooden podium, the charred remains of a person's body were bound to a pole with metal chains and a priest holding a small crucifix chanted prayers at the body.

Fear surged through me, I had never seen such a cruel and disturbing display, what even disturbed me more were the people cheering for it. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the troubling sight until my father threw his hand across my shoulder and drew me near to him.

"Don't look at that" he said as we finally moved past the scene. I shut my eyes and rested my head on his chest, I couldn't stop imagining the agony that person must have experienced.

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