Chapter Eleven

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"Now, does the name Alistair Rowan ring a bell?"
As soon as the question left the Sheriff's mouth, Greenwood let out a small laugh. He knew the Sheriff's could not possibly be joking about it but he still found it funny.

"Alistair? The farm hand? You know what, you are right, I do want to hear about this" Greenwood said as he signaled for the men to follow him.

They soon made it to his study and the men relaxed while Lord Greenwood ordered a maid to fetch all three of them some tea. The maid arrived soon with a tray containing three cups of tea that she set in front of each of the men. The tea steamed with hotness.

"Is the tea to your taste? Hoping it can make you too feel a little better considering the weather" Lord Greenwood asks after taking a sip.

"It's very thoughtful of you, although I could also use a smoke" Matias says as he crosses his legs. His assistant shoots him a thunderous glare.

"Don't mind him, the tea is very nice my Lord, thank you"

"Alright, alright. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, I need to know how you arrived at my farmhand being involved in this mess"

"Alright then" Matias cracks his knuckles and crosses his legs the opposite way, he continues..

"So the very morning the murder happened and we arrived at the scene, I recovered some prints in the sand leading away from the estate, they were prints from the shoe of a horse. I thought nothing of it at the time, I mean, I am sure numerous people ride past that road everyday. But my lovely assistant here decided to follow up on that lead"

Sheriff Pascal beams with pride as he twiddles his fingers and starts to blush. He adds ...

"I wrote down the initials that were inscribed on the horseshoe and I think you might recognize it" Pascal said as he slid a small notebook towards Greenwood with two letters written on the page.

"H. G" the letters read,
Greenwood clicked his tongue in realization. "Hamish Greenwood, those are my fucking initials" he said as he laughed. "What does this even mean?"

"So.. we knew that led all the way back to Greenwood Manor, so we decided to do some digging. You might not realize this, but my assistant and I have been here a few times now to ask some questions, and all the workers had similar answers. They said you were the only person who had access to your horses and so yes, I must admit you became a person of interest"


"Calm down now. Another name also came up, this Alistair I mentioned. We also noticed some other markings on the horseshoe and this horseshoe in particular wasn't just like any other one. When I asked around I discovered that you had a special one made just for your very special horse that no other horse has"


"Yes, and you only trust one of your farmhands to care for this horse and take him for routine runs around the grounds"



"But that doesn't make any sense! What does he know about any of this?"

"I am still trying to understand. But whatever the case is, if Alistair was there when Baldwin was killed or perhaps was even the one who killed him, then Penelope knows more than she is letting on"

"You're still going on about this? You think my daughter was somehow involved in this?"

"I'm not jumping to any conclusions just yet. But if you would just let me talk to her-"

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