Adam: We're clear. Let's move.

They continue their way to the alleyways as activity seems to be low in the area.

Sun: Looks like Jaune's plan worked.

Scarlet: The White Fang are focusing more on the fight in the City and the Throne Room.

Sage: Then we better make this quick before they figure it out.

Adam: There.

Adam stops and points to one of the Buildings.

Sun: We need a better vantage point, let's head in one of these houses.

The Team heads into one of the houses and end up in the second floor, they brings out their scopes and survey the area.

Neptune: Activity outside is high, looks like they have two armoured vehicles with a turret, that's going to be a problem.

Sun: Any Snipers?

Sage: No.

Sun: Alright, Scarlet you're staying here in overwatch, once we have Sienna you're on Sniper support. Sage I want you to use your cloak and plant explosives on those trucks. Neptune, Adam you're with me. Jam their communications, we can't let them know that we're here.

Neptune: Copy that.

As Neptune began using his Datawrist.

Neptune: We have a 10 minute window, so we better make this quick.

Sun: Rog. Let's move.

The Team leaves the house as Scarlet prepares his Sniper.

The Team are now making their way through the alleyways and have reached the house. Sage broke off to plant the explosives. Sun and the Team are now hiding in one of the houses.

Sun: Scarlet, do you have visual on us?

Scarlet: Copy. Be advised the area where you're at is clear. Take this opportunity now before another patrol passes by.

Sun: Copy that. Let's move.

Sun and Adam both fired their grapples and began scaling the wall to the 2nd floor, meanwhile Neptune keeps watch for any hostiles in the area.

When Sun and Adam reached the 2nd floor, they checked the windows if their are any hostiles inside.

Sun: Got two in the hallway, on my shot.

Sun aimed his silenced weapon at the Grunt and fires as Adam does the same.

Sun: Clear.

Both of them went in as they slowly check the area for hostiles.

Sun: Be advised we need to take this slow, they can easily hear our movements. Adam, what room would she most likely be in.

Adam: Most likely the room at the end of the hallway.

Sun: Alright, I'll switch up my visor to Magnetic Vision and see what I can find.

Sun presses a button in his helmet and activates Magnetic Vision. As his visor turns into an X-ray vision that is capable of detecting magnetic objects such as firearms.

Sun: You're right. She's at the room in the end of the hallway. Neptune, get up here and help Adam clear out these rooms.

Neptune: Rog.

Sun signals Adam that he is going to go ahead and brings out his silenced pistol and slowly moves to the room.

Once he reaches the door, he sees 3 hostiles in sight. He gets ready as he knocks on the door.

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