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     "Boruto, to your left!"

     "Got it, Sarada." Without hesitation, Boruto swiftly drew out his kunai and shot it at the shinobi who failed his attack, crying out in pain as he fell to the floor, unconscious.

     "It's just one," Mitsuki confirmed after scanning the area, thus they carefully made their way to the fallen shinobi.

     The forest was quite dense, tall cedarwood trees stood around them, barely letting any light through to the forest floor. The sky was also beginning to darken, not helping the situation at all.

     "It's too dark, we need to get to X village soon," Sarada stated, "carry the man, you two." She carefully checked for any explosive tags or dangerous weapons on the man's body and bandaged the wound. Luckily, Boruto thought ahead and aimed for a non-vital part of the body.

     Mitsuki happily complied as he'd get to do it with his Sun who sighed.

     "It's always us doing everything, ya know!" Boruto rolled his eyes. He decided not to argue any further as he just wanted to get to the village and sleep as quickly as possible.

     Earlier that day, the Hokage had assigned a small mission for team 7. A few travelling merchants had their goods stolen by some bandits on the rural outskirts of the Country of Fire. Usually, these trivial errands would be taken care of by Genin, but at the time they were the only team available. Of course, Boruto was not happy about this, despite the task being easy. What's more, the merchants were adamant about getting their goods back as soon as possible.

    This is so dead. I wish we were given an A rank instead, Boruto whined in his head.

     As they arrived at the village gates, the sky was already a black canvas with stars flicked onto it. The village leader who was informed about the mission beforehand greeted them.

     "You are the Konoha shinobi, right?" She asked, giving an unexplainable look towards the man they were carrying; a flash of doom and terror was casted on her face but quickly disappeared.

     She was a small but tough middle-aged woman, with loose dark green hair and a messy fringe. Anyone passing by would be able to tell she had at least mediocre taijutsu skill, maybe a bit of ninjutsu too; this made Boruto wonder why they were tasked with this mission in the first place if this woman could take on a few bandits by herself.

     "Come this way," she said with a tired grin, "let's do proper greetings in the morning."

     They were led to a small room where they could properly inspect and treat the injured shinobi. He had a pained look plastered on his face which was tanned enough to seem as if he worked on the fields. Unsurprisingly, the man's palms were calloused from using farming tools.

     "He's not a shinobi; he's just an ordinary man," marked Mitsuki as they sifted through the belongings of the unconscious attacker. One item which intrigued them was a small printed photo of what they presumed to be the man's family, including a curly-haired girl with a toothless grin. Other than that, there seemed to be nothing of importance, until a strange blue object rolled out of the sleeves...

     "This is... a scientific ninja tool," Boruto uttered, confused, "how and why does he have this?"

     The ball-shaped gadget had a dull blue surface with grey writing engraved on it, 'K. freeze stun'. They concluded that it was made to stun nearby enemies, even powerful enough to stun three trained shinobi no matter how strong their defence was, as the man attacked by himself, wielding only a single kunai.

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