Guiding Light

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"Ah, hello Ambush. Did you kill them?"


"Oh." Figure gazed blindly at the pale green entity, its open mouth emitting a faint glow. Ambush was silent. "Is something wrong?"

"No... I just... I thought I saw..." The entity trailed off, its staticky voice fading to silence.


"I thought I saw Seek with them. Only for a moment, so I can't be sure, but I swear I could see it inside one of the wardrobes."

"Hm. But why would Seek be there? And why would it hide from you...?"

"I don't know. I might be wrong." Ambush stared out of the windows by the desk on the side of the massive library, watching the rain pour down.

"Do you think Seek would be helping them?" Figure asked.

"I hope not. That would only make this more complicated."

"...I should get to the end. Thank you, Ambush."

"Okay. Goodbye, Figure." Ambush watched as the blind entity felt against the library walls until it found a loose panel. The section of the wall next to it fell open, and Figure stepped into the secret passage. The hidden door closed again with a slam and an ominous sense of finality that left a cold, unbroken silence.

Ambush turned away. Whatever happened next was out of its metaphorical hands. It had done its job. Still, it couldn't help looking back at the secret passage. Something was different this time, and Ambush didn't know what. It had a bad feeling.

Everything was so close to the end.


The next room was dark. You stared into the inky blackness that awaited you, your eyes barely able to make out the shape of a door on the other side of the long, grand hallway- it almost resembled Seek's corridor, save for the complete lack of light. You shivered, remembering the pain of the wounds given to you by the thing that lurked in those rooms. The hot, stabbing sensation that you felt with every step had now faded to a dull ache, but the initial feeling was still fresh in your mind.

"It's okay," Seek said comfortingly, "Screech will not hurt you as long as I'm here."

"Screech?" you asked.

"The one who bit you."

"Oh," you said, fidgeting nervously. The darkness of room 98 seemed like it was reaching for you, trying to draw you in. You edged away from the open doorway, holding on to Seek's hand like a life preserver.

"I promise," Seek whispered comfortingly, "we'll be okay."

"...okay," you said, gathering your courage, "let's go." You stepped into the dark room together. The air seemed to grow colder around you, but you pressed onwards. You were determined not to give up now. The room was lit up by the occasional flash of lightning outside the windows, temporarily granting you enough light to see by. The sound of rain beating down on the glass windows all but quieted the sound of your pounding heart. Then there was a click, and Door 99 swung open in front of you. Light streamed in through the open door, filling you with hope and determination. You were almost there.

You glanced around the small room, letting go of Seek's hand to explore the small space. There were quite a few hiding spots- a bed on the left side of the room, and a few closets scattered around- and that made you nervous, for a reason you couldn't explain. It almost felt like you had done this before.

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