A Trail of Blood

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It was back. You leaned against the wall, almost having fallen over at the sight of the lone eye. It shone like a beacon through the rain, the gaze of the dark pupil piercing through your soul. Why had it come back? What did it want?

...whatever. You could outrun it, especially if you didn't make the same stupid mistake as last time. Continuing forwards with more determination than before, you shoved open the next door.


You were getting closer. Closer to what, you didn't know, but you could feel it. The air seemed thicker than before, and those terrible eyes danced before your vision. Could your journey be almost over...?

Room 77 was locked. It also happened to be pitch black. Your flashlight turned on with a click, and you began to look for a key. The eyes shone through the darkness, showing you where the walls were, but also filling you with a sense of fear. You were being watched.

Psst. You glanced around frantically, searching for the nasty little creature. Where was-

It bit down hard on your shoulder, tearing flesh from bone. You cried out in pain, dropping your flashlight. Pressing a hand to your shoulder, you felt warm, sticky fluid dripping from the wound. You were bleeding badly.

Cursing under your breath, you set the bottle of pills down on the ground. You took the roll of bandages from your pocket with shaking hands. Wrapping them around your bleeding shoulder, you clumsily tried to stop the flow of blood. It was the best you could do in the dark room. The beam of light from your flashlight helped a little, but by now it was so dim you could hardly see it.

And then it went out entirely.

You cursed again, picking up the glass bottle. You thought you had a lighter somewhere. It was in your pocket, and you opened it with a flick of your wrist. The movement agitated your injured shoulder, and you winced. Still, the dim light your lighter emitted was better than nothing, so despite the pain in your arm, you held it in front of you. By now, blue sparks had begun to gather around one of the drawers.

You pulled it open. A key glinted in the cyan light.


Another bite- this one on the side of your leg. You screamed, your cry echoing through the silent room. Oh, gosh, you were starting to feel sort of dizzy. You grabbed the key, stumbling a little as you unlocked the next door and limped through. The carpet behind you was stained with blood- not that you noticed. You were too busy trying to bandage up your own wounds.

Stars, you felt so anxious under the gaze of all those eyes that lined the walls. You could barely tie the bandage around your leg, your fingers were so slick with blood.

You limped through the next few doors, leaving behind a trail of stained carpet and red handprints. The bandages you had put on your shoulder were already soaked through. That wasn't good.

And now you had to run, too. You stood in the middle of the grand hallway. Lightning flashed outside the windows, briefly filling the hallway with blinding light.

Maybe you shouldn't run with an injured leg, you thought as you made it to the end of the hallway.

You turned around to see the entity rising from the floor. Too late. It didn't seem as hateful as it had last time, though. Why?

No time for thinking. Just run.

You turned to run, and fire shot through your leg. You stumbled and fell, hitting your head on a drawer.

Great. You were going to die.

You blacked out.


When you woke up, you were in a bed. Not your bed, you realized, but still a bed. What happened...? The last thing you remembered was-

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