1k special: Arisu Arima

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Told you it'd be out before Sunday.


(Y/n) POV

I sat there, staring at my music sheet. Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D major, op 35. Reading it, I could vividly hear the sound of the violins and the soloist part. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what the rest of the orchestra would sound like.

"(L/n)-san! This girl's trying to get your attention!" My stand mate, Irohana, called out. I quickly snapped out of my trance. Standing to my side was a relatively small girl (compared to me, that is). She had short, poofy gray hair and deep blue eyes and was holding her instrument in her hand.

"Hey, the conductor over there told me to come to you to help me since they're doing some paperwork or something. Could you please help? I know this is really awkward!" She said, holding out her instrument. I looked at her instrument and immediately saw the glaring issue. It was missing the third string.

Well, it wasn't missing, it had snapped and pieces of it were still in the peg and tailpiece. I sighed and got up out of my seat and took her instrument from her hand. I led her into the back storage room we had.

"Violin or viola?" I asked.

"Violin. I finally sized up this year and I have my cousin's old instrument. I didn't think the A sting would snap like that." She said. I opened one of the drawers and was greeted by a pile of packaged violin strings. I dug around for a bit before finding an A string. I shut the drawer and we went back out.

"Hey, you're ok, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" She asked.

"Well, strings are metal and a tightly strung piece of thin metal snapping is a nightmare. Injuries are nasty." I said, recalling a time in the past when a string snapped in a kid's face.

"That sounds scary. I'm fine though!" She said. We both sat down on the floor as I opened the packaging of the string and unraveled it.

"I can teach you how to restring your violin in case this happens again. You said this was an old instrument, correct?" She nodded.

"My cousin hasn't used it in like, 4 years." She replied.

"This can happen a lot with instruments that haven't been played in a while. You're lucky the string snapping didn't injure you." I said.

"I know, I just didn't think it'd snap so soon! It was fine over the summer when I got it, I didn't think anything would happen." She said. I twisted the peg and took out what was left of the old string.

"When replacing your strings, always take out the all the pieces of the old string." I said. I put the ball end into the tailpiece and carefully threaded the top end of the new string into the peg hole. I lined up the string with the old grooves and started tightening the peg.

"There, done. If you're going to restring, restring every sting one at a time. If you take them all off at once, your bridge will fall and your sound post might fall too." I said, handing the violin back to the girl.

"Thank you so much! I didn't want to go back to 3/4, my arms were getting too long for it." She said. I nodded and went back to my seat and back to staring at my music sheet.


I packed up my instrument as the bell rung, signaling the end of morning practice. As I zipped up my case, a familiar small girl ran over to me. It was the girl from earlier with the snapped string.

"Hi! I wanted to ask, what's your name?" She asked.

"Hm? Oh, I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." I answered. I went to put my case into its locker and she followed me.

"I'm Arisu Arima, nice to meet you! So, are we friends now?" She asked. I looked at her with a confused expression.

"No? This is the second time we've ever talked." I said.

"Do you wanna be friends?" She asked.

"...why would we be friends? Why should we be friends?" I asked.

"I- well... because you helped me!" She said.

"But don't people help each other out of courtesy?"

"Not always. You took time out of your activity to help me with my instrument. So in turn, we're friends because you helped me and friends help each other out!" She said. I thought about it for a moment. Arima seems pleasant enough, she did listen to me while I was showing her how to replace strings.

"Alright, I guess we're friends now." I said.

"Great! Now, I get to call you your first name!"

"Arima-san, we've never met each other before this, wouldn't that be moving too fast?" I asked.

"Nope! Friends always call each other by their first names, got it?"

"If you say so, Arisu-san."

"Good, good, great job (Y/n)!" She said.

"No honorifics?"

"No need, we're friends!"

"I'm starting to get tired of you saying that..."

"Oh come on, loosen up a bit! You don't gotta be so serious about everything."

"I'm not super serious about everything."

"Whatever floats your goat."


I'm keeping all 5 of my dollars. The character introduction thing for my oc's should be out soon, no promises on when.

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