Chapter 5: Gifts

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[A week later]

Kita POV

"And he fucking yelled at me! Like, I just wanted him to join, he hasn't joined a club yet and he's still all like, "no, I wanna do music even though I quit!" Make a decision and live with it, god damnit!" Atsumu said, ranting about how Tamaki was refusing to join as a manager for the volleyball team. They had an argument last week and completely refusing to talk to each other.

"Well, music was always his passion, wasn't it? I'd be mad if someone said my passion for volleyball was meaningless when I wasn't playing." Akagi pointed out.

"Yeah, but that's different. He quit music in junior high-" "He quit the club in junior high, he still kept all of his music and his instrument, didn't he?" Suna asked, cutting off Atsumu.

"But still, he said he wasn't going to go back to music." Atsumu said. He was going to die on this hill.

"And you said you wouldn't steal my food yesterday. And look at you now, guess whose food you're eating. That's right, half of my lunch because your dumb ass couldn't pack worth a damn." Osamu said, pointing at Atsumu's plate.

"It's food, if I didn't have it, I would die!" Atsumu argued.

"And Tamaki loves music with his life, he just doesn't like how other people judge him and try to control what he should and shouldn't like." Aran said, looking like he was about to bust a blood vessel.

"He doesn't play in an orchestra anymore, he quit with his reasons." "And you used to play wing spiker back at the old volleyball camp. Do you play wing spiker now? No. Do you still spike? Yes. Now shut up." Aran said, getting up from his seat and leaving.

"You can always just apologize to Tamaki. That might be the easiest way to get out of this silent treatment you guys have. You're letting your pride get in the way, just apologize." Ren said.

"Atsumu, let's try this. This week, the rest of us make fun of you and say that your love for volleyball is completely worthless and won't amount to anything. We'll say that you ever doing volleyball was a waste. At the end of the week, tell us how you feel and think about how you would feel if that went on for years and to the point you would stop what you loved doing." I said.

"Let's force him learn music while we're at it." Suna said. "What!? Hell no, music if boring!" Atsumu protested.

"Then apologize." I said, getting up to leave. The rest of them were still yelling. It was mostly the twins yelling though. I started waling through the halls as more people got ready to head to class.

I looked in my bag to check on the wrapped gift box. Still there, still intact. I was nervous about this, what if they didn't forgive me?

"Hey Kita, what's that?" I nearly fainted when I suddenly heard Aran's voice next to me. "Sorry! You good?"

"Yeah, you just startled me a bit." I said, zipping up my bag. That seemed to peak his interest.

"What's in your bag?" He asked. "Nothing." I answered.

"Kita, I'm not blind, I saw something colorful in there." "It's really nothing."

"Swear on god?" I sighed. "I swear to god, it's nothing for you to worry about." I said. That seemed to stop his prying.

"Ah, so it's a gift for someone. Can I ask who it's for?" He asked. "You could say it's a gift. I got it because I broke something that belonged to someone else. I've been saving up for this. I just hope they forgive me." I said.

"You bought a replacement for someone and you didn't tell anyone?" I nodded.

"You could've asked us! We could've helped you pay!"

"No, it was my fault I broke it, it's only reasonable that I would be the one that paid for it."

"You could've just told them you bought it. Just say you used your own money but let me pay for you."

"No, that wouldn't be fair, I broke it so I paid with my own money. Not anyone else's."

"What did you buy and how much whas it?"

"A metronome, it was like... 3000-" "3000!?" "Yeah, they're a bit expensive for a little clicky device." I said, taking out the gift wrapped box out from my bag.

"They better like this thing, 3000 yen for a weird clicking thing? What was it, handmade?" Aran asked in disbelief.

"Oh, I think this one was a bit cheaper for a wooden one. There's little electronic ones for a lit cheaper. There are other ones that are like, 250,000? I don't remember the exact price." I said.

"No way." "Yes way." I said, actively looking around for the (h/c) haired third year. So far, no luck.

"Do you know their name?" Aran asked. I opened my mouth to say something, then stopped. I don't know. I never got their name.

"Let me guess, you don't know their name?" I nodded. Aran sighed. "What do they look like?" "They're tall, have (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, their skin tone is (s/c), and that's all I know." I answered.

"So that person that walked by us." He said, pointing to the person that just passed us. Oh, that is them.

"Actually, yeah. I'll give this to them now." I said, walking up to them. I tapped on their shoulder and they turned to face me.

"Hello there, I'm the boy in your first class. I'm really sorry for breaking your metronome last week. So, I bought you a new one, like a promised." I said, handing them the box. They looked at it before opening it.

"Oh, you really did get me a new one. You really shouldn't have, it was old and was just a thing I kept around for fun. I didn't even need it." They said, avoiding eye contact.

We stood there awkwardly in the middle of the now crowded hall, people were all around us. The (h/c)-nette looked around, looking a bit uncomfortable and confused. I could feel Aran's disappointment from here. The (h/c)-nette dug around in their bag before handing me a bottle of hand sanitizer.

"Here, um, sorry I didn't have anything for you." They said, turning to leave.

"Wait, you don't have to- huh?" They were just gone. They really have a thing for disappearing.

"Kita, that was the most awkward conversation I've ever witnessed. Part of me doesn't even want to call it a conversation. I felt the embarrassment from 6 feet away." Aran said.

I stared at the bottle in my hand. Just a normal bottle of hand sanitizer, nothing special. The only thing special about it was that it was pine-scented and looked as if it were new. I opened it and squirted some on my hand. I held it out to Aran.

"Would you like some?" I asked. He stared at me, baffled.

"Sure, ignore what I just said and offer me some hand sanitizer." He said, holding out his hand. I squirted some on his hand, closed the bottle, and rubbed my hands together.


(A/n): my friend once deadass gave me some hand sanitizer for my birthday. Also, sorry for the late update, I forgot to write

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