// part sixteen: confrontation //

Start from the beginning

"I bet it would crush your hopes to know that no matter how fast you are, you'll never catch up to me." Deimos said, walking towards Shadow. He planted his boot in Shadow's back, harshly pushing him back into the ground. "I am able to freely move around time. No matter how fast you can run, I will always be three steps ahead of you. Every time you attack me, I jump one second forward in time. It's more than enough time to stop you in your tracks."

Shadow tried to resist, pushing himself back up. But he suddenly felt himself being drained of all his energy, his eyes widening. Deimos was sucking every ounce of energy right out of him. Shadow was going to be powerless within seconds if he didn't get Deimos to back off.

"You forgot about us!" Amy shouted, slamming her hammer into the back of Deimos's head and knocking him into a nearby wall. Deimos looked at her with wide eyes as he fell to the ground. He had indeed forgot about them.

Regaining his breath, Sonic helped Shadow back to his feet. Shadow held his pained side as he glared at Deimos, who had already gotten up and was dusting himself off. "Did you hear what he said? About jumping through time?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure if I can outrun time." Sonic said with a small smile, although it was feigned.

"If we can just catch him off guard, we may be able to stop him, or at least do some damage." Shadow spoke in a whisper, keeping his eyes on Deimos, who patiently waited for them to attack.

Sonic nodded, swallowing thickly. Everything rode on them rushing Deimos all at once. He could only pray to whoever'd listen that this would work. Otherwise, they were all doomed.

Meanwhile, Metal Sonic quietly made his way down the long, quiet halls. It was almost eerie. There were no cameras. No Eggman robots walking about. It was dead silent, aside from the machinery surrounding him.

Metal could detect Y/n nearby, but he couldn't seem to find her, no matter where he looked. His scanners seemed to be garbled, especially when he began to detect multiple of Y/n's signatures. Looking around, Metal had a bad feeling that this had been done on purpose, that somebody was... Leading him on.

Flying upward into the darkened sky, Metal tried to see if he could spot her from above. But everything was a maze, he couldn't even tell left from right here. Metal wouldn't be surprised if he had been going in circles the entire time he was here.

"You lost?" Somebody suddenly spoke, causing Metal to whip around in the direction of the source. Before him was a familiar jackal, Infinite. Chuckling, Infinite crossed his arms. "I suppose you're here for the girl, right? I normally wouldn't care what happens to her, but she's the boss's weakness, and I want to take advantage of that. So I won't be letting you take her."

Metal simply glared at the jackal, unsure of what to do. He was sure it was the Phantom Ruby's doing for messing up his scanners. He'd have to stop it, or destroy it, but how? The gem was as powerful, if not more powerful than the Chaos Emeralds.

"Don't bother scheming. I plan to end you right now." Infinite said, suddenly rushing Metal Sonic. Metal barely had time to dodge the jackal's claws, slamming his foot into Infinite's back. Infinite gasped as he flew forward, quickly recovering as he adjusted himself. Turning back to Metal, a red ball of energy formed in his hand. He shot off dozens of attacks, Metal barely scraping by dodging them.

Metal blasted forward, holding his hands together as he formed his own ball of energy. He could feel Infinite growing panicked at the robot's fast approach, throwing more attacks at him. Metal zoomed right over him, smirking at Infinite's shock. Metal blasted the built up energy, blowing Infinite down to the ground. Infinite choked as he slammed against the ground, his whole body burning.

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