In despair, he seduced the naive woman with the worst intentions He would make Eve suffer as Lily suffered and punish her as the abomination she was.

But when Sam touched her, he felt a soul that was nothing at all like Adam's.  

It was pure...

With great remorse, he decided to help Eve.  Samael presented her with the valuable gift of knowledge, and they became lovers.  This union sullied Adam's lineage with gifted children to fight against and keep the demon in check. Then, humanity became a Petrie dish of divine DNA, and Samael had a method to enact his revenge.


Eve lived for many years, forming the first pagan societies of Gift wielders.  History refers to them as devil worshipers and witches, but they were much more than that.  They lived symbiotically with the land, understanding and worshipping nature as the closest link to divine realms.  They balanced the world from the patriarchy that wasn't meant to be.  Eve left a legacy to combat Adam's evil long after she died.


 Alina, the first bastard child of Samael, inherited many gifts.  One was the safe passage into his mysterious realm, which she named the Garden.  Unlike her brothers and sisters, who went off to explore the world, Alina was content to stay hidden, guarding the sanctuary. Her extending habitation prevented her from aging, and she became a steady companion for her melancholy father.

 Samael visited whenever possible, and they often discussed the development of humans, the links to the past, and their potential future.  It was clear that the memory of Lilith haunted him, and he believed firmly that his meddling had ruined everything.

Even though Samael cared deeply about Eve, Lily never left his heart.

He should have protected her from Adam...but he failed. Failed miserably.

Samael wondered about his mission.  Was he meant to let Lily suffer?  Allow the humans to be born both powerful and hateful?  Was he meant to be a heartless foot soldier?  For many thousands of years, he walked the earth searching for answers.  Answers that continued to evade him. 

 Alina planted flowers on Lilith and Eve's graves to ease her father's pain.  It was the least she could do for a creature destined for an eternity of loneliness.  

Lily's tomb occupied a remote corner of the caldera and was covered in a blue crystallized stone, leftovers from the higher realms when Sam first appeared. 

For many years, nothing happened.

Yet, about 8000 seasons ago, Alina's life had drastically changed.

She soon found out that the garden regenerated more than just plants.

Alina heard a strange gurgling noise as she toiled in her vegetable patch one morning. This sound strangely emanated from the old tomb. Alina raced to the site and dropped to her knees, quickly digging through the cerulean rubble.  Much to her shock, a newborn baby lay curled inside a rocky hollow, surrounded by a delicate spray of light. 

Alina lifted the child into her arms, and a small chubby hand tentatively touched her face with curiosity. It appeared to be nothing more than an average human.  But how on earth did it get here?

"What is this!? Who is this child!?" Alina shouted toward the heavens.  "You give us no guidance, word, or hope, but send a child?"

No response.

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