Elementary Evil

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They returned to the ballroom. "8 more pieces to go, are you ready for another nightmare?" Bierce said. The second portal opens. Jesse gets a new power that is speed boost. He enters the portal, once he exits, he is in a school. "Do you ever miss your school days?" Bierce said. "I don't know." Jesse said. Then he saw a red barrier. "A barrier, you know what to do." Bierce said. Jesse nods and runs through it. He enters an assembly room. There was a stage, and then a little girl appeared on stage. She had black hands and long, sharp, fingers. Her name is Agatha. "Ooh, a new friend! I'm so excited! Welcome!" Agatha said. "Uh, thanks?" Jesse said. "It's really nice to have someone new to play with. You can share everything with me. All your secrets, all your mistakes, all your pain. That's what best friends are for, right?" Agatha said. "Okay before we're friends, let's get to know each other. My name is Jesse Granger..." Jesse said but Agatha interrupts him. "Come on, let's play hide and seek!" Agatha said as she disappears. "Okay, then." Jesse said. The bell rings and the doors opened. "Looks like schools back in session." Bierce said. He pulled out the tablet and started collecting the shards. "Ready or not, here I come!" Agatha said. Jesse enters classrooms. Then Agatha saw him. "Found ya!" Agatha said. "Try to catch me." Jesse said playfully. Jesse runs and thought he lost her, until she appeared in front of him. "Woah." Jesse said. "Tag! You're it." Agatha said as she scratches Jesse. Jesse lost one of his lives. Jesse wakes up and gets up. "Okay, I should see that coming." Jesse said. "Stay focus Jesse, you don't have time to play games." Jesse said to himself. Jesse starts collecting the shards. Agatha finds him, Jesse used his speed boost. He shuts the doors on Agatha. "He's cheating." Agatha said. Jesse runs and collects the shards. "That's all of the shards here, but it's only half. The ring altar is still active, there must be more in another part of the school. Hurry, and find the next zone!" Bierce said. "You got it." Jesse said. Jesse finds the ring altar in a recess area. He goes to the other part of the school. Jesse spots someone walking around the rails. It disappears and he heard an evil laugh. Jesse continues moving forward but than he's greeted by Agatha. "It's been a while since I played with anyone this long. Now, let me show you what I can really do!" Agatha said. She giggles and disappeared. He starts collecting the shards. "How creative, it's her victims. The school has become her dollhouse." Bierce said. There was fire everywhere, and little kids banging on the windows. Jesse enters a classroom. There were papers flying everywhere. "This is chaos." Jesse said. He grabs all the shards. "That's the last of the shards, get to the ring piece before Agatha gets you!" Bierce said. "You never get the ring, I won't let you!" Agatha said. The bell went off and Jesse grabs the ring piece. Agatha appears and she is not happy. "I tried so hard to be nice to you, but you don't care! You don't want to be my friend, you just want to steal my things! Your mean!" Agatha said as she starts crying in a angry way. "Look, I'm sorry okay? I need this ring piece to get back home, just calm down..." Jesse apologized but she interrupted him. "Bad person!" Agatha yelled. Jesse gave her a sorry look. "Now your in trouble, you made daddy mad too." Agatha said. "Daddy?" Jesse said. The door opened and Jesse sees someone but he can't see what it looks like. "End of the road, mortal." The person said. It had the same voice as Malak. He turns into a floating demon. "Give that back to me, mortal. Hand it over!" Malak said. "My name is Jesse!" Jesse said as he runs. Then he sees the portal. "The portal!" Jesse said. He went through it and then it exploded. "It's fake! I have to be careful." Jesse said. Then he ran into Agatha and she killed him. He has one life remaining. He tries again, he ran and ran and ran. He made it to the assembly room. As he is about to exit the room, Agatha appeared and the door slam shut. "Going somewhere?" Agatha said. "You will never escape!" Agatha continued. "Sorry Agatha, I have to go. I can't play with you anymore. Plus, you play too rough." Jesse said. "Too rough?!" Agatha said. "And Agatha, if you were truly my best friend, you need to respect my wishes. You can't hold me hostage." Jesse said. Agatha fronds and then shook her head in rage. "I hate you, Jesse Granger!" Agatha yelled. She disappears, then she teleports like an enderman. Then she chases Jesse. Jesse runs around to escape her. There were doing it for a couple of minutes than the door opened. "It's opened!" Bierce said. "Bierce, stay out of my room! Your both cheating!" Agatha yelled. She chases Jesse. Jesse went through the portal.

Jesse Granger Deception (Minecraft Story Mode x Dark Deception)Where stories live. Discover now