Crazy Carnevil

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"5 more pieces to go, love. Care to try your luck again?" Bierce said. The fifth portal opens, and Jesse went in. Jesse exits the portal and finds himself in a entrance to a circus. He opens the door and he saw a clown car that went by, he also saw a carousel. "Let me guess. Coulrophobia?" Bierce said. "I have Capraphobia, not Coulrophobia. I'm not scared of clowns." Jesse said. "So, you're afraid of goats?" Bierce asked. "Yes." Jesse said. He sees all different kinds of games and rides. He sees the clown car again, it went into the tent. "I think they're inviting you in. Ready for the big top?" Bierce said. "I'm ready to beat up some clowns!" Jesse said as crack his knuckles. He went inside and saw a Ring the Bell game. He picks up the mallet. "Go on, press it. You know you want to." Bierce said. He hits the button with the mallet and rung the bell. Then the game disappeared and an animal cage drops on Jesse. "Hey, let me out!" Jesse yelled. Then the clown car from earlier came out. It drifts around Jesse. Then it stops, Clown Gremlins came out. They wore black and white clown clothes. They have a white face, a red noise, and sharp teeth. And they were shorter than Jesse. The Clown Gremlins started grabbing Jesse. "Let me go!" Jesse said. He growled and unleashed his primal fear power. The cage, car, and Clown Gremlins disappeared. Jesse enters the next room. He sees a slide. He went on the slide and it led him to zone 1. Jesse couldn't believe his one eye, zone 1 was so colorful. "Wow." Jesse said. "Well, I better start getting the shards." Jesse continued. He starts collecting the shards. He notice a clown car is following him. So he growls to stun it in place. He tries to avoid the traps. He got all shards in the area. "The tablet says there's more but I don't see them." Jesse said. Jesse looks down and sees an area below him. "Oh." Jesse said. Then he sees a clown car come towards him. "I better get down there." Jesse said. He finds a green portal and he went through it. He finds himself in the second area. So he collected all the shards. He exits zone 1, he found the ring altar. A Clown Gremlin appeared and started chasing him. It stopped chasing him. He exits the room and saw a cart. "This might be a roller coaster." Jesse said. He enters the cart and strapped in. The ride starts and Jesse sees giant Clown Gremlins waving at him. Jesse waves back, he went to tunnels and the ride led him to an entrance to a funhouse. Jesse got out of the cart and entered the funhouse. It was kinda dark, but he is able to see because of the neon colors. The Clown Gremlins were glowing in the dark too. He starts collecting the shards. Then all of a sudden, a goat was in front of him. "Goat!" Jesse screamed. He runs away in fear. "I told you I have Capraphobia." Jesse said. He uses primal fear to scare the Clown Gremlins away. He finds a ball pit, but he has no time to play. He enters a mirror room. It was difficult for him to get the shards, plus he also had one eye. Jesse gets all the shards. Malak appeared and started chasing him. He exits the funhouse and grabs the ring piece. Two Clown Gremlins appeared and chase him around. He exits and made it outside. He tries to get to the portal but a barrier stopped him to go farther. "Ah-ah-ah! I've got you now, mortal!" Malak said. He turned around and saw Malak. "I'll finish you off here and your soul..." Malak said. Jesse growls at him. Then 4 giant Clown Gremlins appeared and looks down at Jesse. "Keep 'em laughing while you die, won't you?" Malak said. Then Jesse's enchanted diamond sword appears in his hand. "My sword?" Jesse said. Clown Gremlins appeared and Jesse clutches his sword. He starts hitting the Clown Gremlins with his sword. One of the giant Clown Gremlins put its hand down. Jesse stabs its hand with his sword. The giant Clown Gremlin disappeared. He did it with the others and then his sword disappeared.  "No! Impossible!" Malak said. He growls at Jesse. "Mortal... Your suffering will be eternal!" Malak said. He starts chasing Jesse. Jesse runs to the portal and went in. 

Jesse Granger Deception (Minecraft Story Mode x Dark Deception)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat