Deadly Decadence

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"2 down, 7 more to go. Want to try for another?" Bierce said. The third portal opens and Jesse went through it. He sees a fountain and a entrance. "Keep your eyes open, love. The statues in this place are awfully lifelike." Bierce said. "So we have statues that are alive, great." Jesse said. He enters to see a big landscape. In the middle was a statue. The statue had clothes like a captain, and a face made out of gold. He was in a salute position. Jesse looks at the statue. "Uh, hello?" Jesse said. The Gold Watcher didn't respond. "Hm, he's probably not alive." Jesse said. Jesse walks to the gate then he heard a chuckle. He turned around to see the Gold Watcher facing him. "Was he looking that way a second ago?" Jesse said. "Excuse me, are you alive sir?" Jesse asked. The Gold Watcher said nothing. Jesse feels concerned. He turned around and opened the gate. Then he turns around and the Gold Watcher was gone. "Where did he go?" Jesse said. "Eh, whatever." Jesse continued. He enters the maze. He starts starts collecting the shards. Then he hears footsteps. "In case you were wondering, yes. Those footsteps are getting louder!" Bierce said. He sees Gold Watchers behind him. Jesse starts running then he gets impelled by the trap. He looses a life. Jesse wakes up and tries again. This time he learned his lesson. He teleported away from the trap. He collects all of the shards. "Now get to the manor!" Bierce said. Jesse sees a big manor. He enters it and sees the room was covered in gold. "Wow, it's beautiful!" Jesse said. As he was collecting the shards, he heard a chuckle. Jesse turned around to face a Gold Watcher, he raised his axe and stabbed him in the face. Jesse lost one of his lives, he has 2 lives remaining. He woke up and got up, but he can only see from his right eye. "What's going on?" Jesse thought. He looked through a mirror and he noticed that his left eye was gone. He let out a horrified scream, it was black and dripping black blood. "My eye, it's gone." Jesse said to himself. He started to cry, he went down on his knees. "What are you waiting for? Go get more shards!" Bierce said. He got up and started collecting more soul shards. There were 53 soul shards left. "53 left. Okay, I can do this." Jesse said. As he grabbed the shard, he saw the Gold Watcher from before. "It's you, you're the one who chopped off my eye! You will pay for this!" Jesse said. He closed his right eye and the Gold Watcher started moving and started charging at him. He dodged his axe, and slid between his legs and started running. He turned on his speed boost, and ran super fast and followed the path of soul shards, and dodged the Gold Watchers attacks. Bierce was amazed. "Wow, Jesse. You're incredible!" Bierce said. "Thanks." Jesse replied. He teleported everywhere and collected as many soul shards as he could. "12 more to go." Jesse said. Jesse had confidence that he was going to make it out alive. "4, 3, 2, 1!" Jesse said as collected the last soul shard. "You've done it, now get to the ring piece while you still can!" Bierce said. Jesse nodded and followed her orders. As he was running, he saw a black floating demon in front of him. "Malak!" Jesse replied. He hears the Gold Watchers running and laughing behind him. He turned around to see them standing in the room with him. He was surrounded. "Oh no, I'm trapped!" Jesse said. "This can't be the end!" Jesse said as he started to feel hopeless. He gets very nervous and breaks down into tears. "Bierce, help me!" Jesse called out. If he loses his 2 lives, he will be truly dead. He will not be able to go back home and he will never see his friends again. Then a light bulb lit up in his mind. "I've got it." Jesse thought. As the Gold Watcher was about to deliver the final blow, he fought back and escaped. "Not dying today!" Jesse said. He made it to the main room, and got the ring piece. "This nightmare is collapsing. You need to get back to the portal!" Bierce said. Jesse went to the front door and got outside. He got to the maze gate, but it wouldn't open. "Huh?" Jesse said. He started shaking the gate. "Come on, open!" Jesse said as he tried to open the gate. He tried to go to the other side, and there was an open gate. He starts running straight for the entrance. But then Jesse turned around and saw a big Gold Watcher. " There's no escape for you, mortal!" Malak said. "Will see about that!" Jesse said. The big Gold Watcher started throwing axes. Jesse started dodging the axes. It broke down the door. Jesse uses his speed boost. He made it to the entrance. And ran to the portal.

Jesse Granger Deception (Minecraft Story Mode x Dark Deception)Where stories live. Discover now