Alex abruptly recalled what she did when Sage was sick, that was the last of it. But she was hesitant to tell him because something "happened" there.

Sage felt her reluctance, so he moved away from her clinging, and faced her.

He looked at her with an encouraging look and said, "I won't be angry. I promise. I just want to know everything." He pleaded while looking at her intently, waiting for her answer.

She then heaved a deep sigh but her face was slowly turning crimson. She looked down and uttered.

"The passcode in your apartment is my birthday." She replied shyly.

"You mean, you already came to my apartment? How come, I could not recall you coming over?" He replied with creased eyebrows

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"You mean, you already came to my apartment? How come, I could not recall you coming over?" He replied with creased eyebrows. As he lifted her face with his fingers to look at him, he was smiling.

"I came when you were sick. I rang your doorbell for the nth time but you were not answering. I was worried about you so I asked Hans for your passcode. You just ate cup noodles and drank milk at that time. Yaah! You did not notice that everything was clean when you woke up?!" She answered with widened eyes while trying to evade "that part" but she thought there was no turning back now. Her breaths are starting to become heavy.

"You just came to clean my mess? That's all? Nothing else happened?" Sage knew that there was more to it. He recalled that incident because that was the time he "dreamt" of her. And now he's starting to wonder if it was just really a dream.

"Fine. Fine. YOU kissed me in your sleep. Happy?" Alex said it with sarcasm. She emphasized the word YOU. She was trying to hide her shame but well, he deserves to know what happened.

"Oh, so you took advantage of a sick man? I felt violated, my dear." Sage glared at her but he could not hide the enjoyment in his face.

"Excuse me? I'm just trying to help because you were delirious that time, so I hugged you. I was about to go when your fever went down but you grabbed me first and I couldn't break free anymore. So technically, you were the one who took advantage of me first."

"Uhuh? But you could do something... You were the conscious one..."

"You were insisting. And for a sick man, you were still strong, making me helpless. I just...I just... responded. That's all." Alex interrupted and closed her eyes tightly when she said the last word. She wanted the floor to break open and swallow her whole after realizing how embarrassing she sounded and wanted to flee but Sage stopped him just in time.

"And mind you, if you were not burning, it made me think you were conscious." Alex is still trying to defend herself.

He was trying his hardest to control his laugh. She looked so mesmerizing before him that he couldn't control himself and pinched her slightly chubby cheeks. "Fine, fine. I'm the one who took advantage of you. Guilty as charged." He said while raising his two hands as if admitting his crime.

"But I'm conscious now. We're currently in the bedroom and we just changed your sheets. I don't mind taking full responsibility. Didn't I deserve a reenactment? It's unfair that you were the only one who knew." Sage started teasing her and wanting to take his chance but Alex was quick to dodge him by yawning.

"Babe, can I take a nap for five minutes? I'm tired. You can continue cleaning, I'll just sleep for five minutes." Then she slumped to the bed, leaving Sage laughing as she immediately closed her eyes.

Even if they already "did" it, she still felt shy especially in broad daylight.

"Okay babe, five minutes. Sleep tight..." Sage then continued arranging her stuff while maintaining their places. Alex wanted her things to stay in the places where she put them, so, he just vacuumed everything and put them back to where they were placed.

He then placed the old sheets into the laundry machine and gave them a spin. Alex's five minutes became two hours. He placed her properly in the bed so she can sleep well while he on the other hand put the sheets on the dryer.

 He placed her properly in the bed so she can sleep well while he on the other hand put the sheets on the dryer

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Alex was sound asleep so he did not wake her up. He cooked their lunch and took a shower after. He started setting the table for their meal and when everything was ready, he woke her up so that they could eat their meal together.

"Omo! Did you finish everything already? I'm sorry, it was just supposed to be a nap but I overslept." She then hugged him to show her remorse.

"No biggie. I know you're hungry so let's eat."

"These foods look delicious. And you smell delicious too." Alex teased him after realizing that he already took a shower. She stayed in his hug and smelled him more...

"Another privilege of being his girlfriend now. She could do this, anytime." she chuckled with her thoughts.

"Well, I don't mind having an appetizer..." He winked at her.

"We should eat the food while it's hot, thank you." She then started digging in leaving Sage laughing.

Anytime Ever After [IU & KimSoohyun Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now