My baby blues again landed on the guy kneeling before me. I seized a moment to take in his handsome face, and recognition dawned on me.

My eyes blinked twice, thrice, and continued to blink; they probably lost the motor connections with my brain, which was desperately trying to get a hold of the situation.

I'm probably running out of brain cells here.



That's the most convincing conclusion I came up with.

Or maybe I'm dreaming. Yes, I'm fucking dreaming.

"Hey, you okay there?" he asked, hands waving in front of my face.


The guy who saved me, the same one who tried to perform CPR, and the one now kneeling before me with an amused yet worried look on his face was none other than Jungkook himself.


All the weird reactions I'm giving over the past 5 secs have probably had him think that I hit my head during the fall. Well, I did hit my head in real because there was dull pain on the left side of my head.

But I ignored the pain as my mind screamed at me.

Damn it, Ash!! Say something!!!

"Am I in heaven or something?" I blurted out even before thinking.

Wow, girl, way to embarrass yourself.

If he hadn't thought about me hitting my head, now surely he does.

He chuckled, giving me his famous bunny smile, making me blush. Water droplets dripped and slid across his flawless skin and washboard abs. The sunlight made the droplets look like crystals, and along with silver loops and his tattooed right arm on display, he looked ETHEREAL.

I sat there spellbound by his beauty.

"No, you are not. Not heaven but in South Korea, " His melodic voice pulled me out of my internal rambling.

But what the heck am I doing in Korea? And that too with Jungkook? 

I gave him a shy smile, and he looked at me with an amused smile on his face. Suddenly, his gaze fell to my chest, and he averted his eyes, looking anywhere but at me. Instinctively, I hugged my legs to my chest knowing well that my oversized drenched t-shirt sticking to my body is not much of a help to hide my hardened nipples.

What? Not my fault. I sleep braless, every woman on this earth does that. Who might've thought that you'll be teleported in your pajamas?

And I hope he didn't see anything. Ironically, he was pumping my chest moments ago.

I blushed at that thought.

Fuck, Ash. Stop thinking nonsense. He was trying to SAVE YOUR FUCKING LIFE.

"You-you didn't hit your head, right? " His voice brought me back again from my internal rambling. I looked at him and noticed a light red coloring his cheeks and ears.

So he did-
STOP, don't think anymore!!

As I don't trust the speech center of my brain for the time being and don't want to spew some nonsense and embarrass me further, I chose to show gestures rather than words.

You know, action speaks louder than words. But for me, it was the pain that spoke louder than my action.

I winced in pain the moment I shook my head to say 'No.'

My Time (jjk x soulmate au) 💜 {18+}Where stories live. Discover now