RNMR #105

78 2 1

Lance: We all have our demons.

Lance *Holding his Gorf* : This one's mine.

RNMR #905

- Yeet Note -

Nah man, I did gorge-walking today and I fell into the damn water thrice XP

Then a groupmate of mine, some dude from another group, & I had to take a different way cuz mah groupmate and I were so damn behind from our group and we were also dying from exhaustion

Idk why the dude from the other group joined us tho-

And one of the counsellors (?) took mah helmet and forgot to give it back to me so I had to finish the hike without a helmet
I'm surprised I didn't get anything caught in my hair-

But I do have like 20 bruises on my legs from climbing up and down the rocks XP

Next & final activities on Friday, kayaking & dragon boating!

I'm going to freeze

If I don't post anything on Wattpad in the next week, I'm ded
if I do, I'm either alive, or it's my ded ghost & spirit making the things

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