RNMR #69

77 1 1

*Actor/College AU*

Rain: Reaper! Aunt Arabella won't wear her glasses!

Reaper: What? Kid, what do you want me to do??

Arabella *Without her glasses & contacts* : I think my eyesight has finally gotten better over the years. Hang on, let me try.

Arabella *Points to Cyrus* : Pearl.


Arabella *Points to Pearl* : Cyrus.


Reaper: Well they are twins-

Arabella *Points to Ceris* : Uhh...is that a demon the Twins summoned?


Reaper: You're wearing all black Ceris. You do look like a demon.

Ceris: Lance was right, it was a bad idea to wear all black-

RNMR #869

- Yeet Note -

I accidentally wrote 'tight' instead of 'right' when making this :V

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