RNMR #58

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*My Rainimator AU*

*Yah, so I kinda made the Orchid Fleet hate the Monarchy-*

*The Ender Watchers deciding to make Rain their successor(?) or not*

Vordus: My Queen, the child's related to Captain Arabella! And he's broken into Dragonspire almost a dozen times this past year!

Ceris *Gal's running out of options* : Some of those break-ins must have been accidental! I mean, we've left the windows open how many times when the wind was blowing southeast!?

Rain *Broke into Dragonspire and is now eavesdropping on Vordus & Ceris' convo* : I know for certain that the seventh time I broke in was accidental.


Rain: Never mind, that was on purpose, the first time was accidental

RNMR #858

Incorrect Quotes 5 [Rainimator AUs]Where stories live. Discover now