Chapter 20

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Hey guys! Sorry about my previous rants the constant spamming of people correcting me was a lot so I felt like I had to clarify.
Thank you for all the kind comments I have read every single one of them and each one means the world to me ❤️ for some reason wattpad won't let me respond to messages which is why I've appeared quiet but you all are so lovely. If you have sent me a lovely comment don't worry I've seen it. Thank you for all supporting me and enjoying my story it has honestly made my world!


So people are annoyed about Emerys being so forgiving.
Let me tell you alittle bit about her character. At this part of the story Emerys doesn't know who she is yet. She is someone desperate for acceptance and somewhere to belong because of how alone she has been she is still learning about herself and developing.

She is naive. She is sensitive. She is confused about the world around her and she hasn't learned the world of Westeros yet. She watched it her whole life from the side and now she is in the middle of it and won't learn how to survive and be strong overnight but she will. She is still young. She is now a skilled warrior but remember she did it for the acceptance of others not herself.

The main purpose of Emerys in this book is her journey of Self discovery and character development and I promise she will eventually become the true dragon you all want her to be. Just be patient guys :)

Godslayer soars through the sky. Emerys holds onto his reigns her copper hair flowing and flopping at the back of her dancing through the pale sky. In her riding outfit. Emerys smiles as she looks at the world around her from such a height.
Godslayer flaps his wings through the air and stretches his wings out to glide siding left and right while Emerys enjoys the sensation.
When she first started flying she was terrified of looking down incase she fell again but she now loved peering over to the world around her.

"Okay Myrsi let's have some fun" she says patting the side of her dragons face.
The dragon suddenly dips from the sky instantly soaring towards the ground at full sped. Emerys hair shots upwards as they zoom to the ground. As she clings onto the saddle for dear life. Two seconds of touching the ground Godslayer swivels upwards shooting back up to the sky again

"WOOOOOOOOO" Emerys screams with excitement as the dragon spins , summersalts , swivels and turns in the sky for Emerys fun. As they zoom straight towards the beach where the dragon instantly drops on the sand.
"You know how to keep me entertained don't you Myrsi" she giggles as she jumps off her dragon the dragon goes to explore this me area
"Wait!" Emerys demands as she takes his reigns off

The dragon swivels on its back so it can enjoy the feeling of the sand causing Emerys to giggle now she was so used to spending time with her dragon she knew he wasn't scary at all but a big softy. However it was only her that ever got to see that side of her dragon.

Emerys plants herself down on the beach leaning against Myrsi as she pulls out a map of Westeros and tilts her head while trying to analyse it while he dragons sniffs her hair getting sad on her face as she quickly tries to get the sand of her face.
Suddenly Emerys senses a presence in the sky as she snaps her head up on see a dragon appearing in the distance towards the beach.

Emerys snaps up to get a better look as the dragon makes its way towards them. Too small to be Vhagar. Too dark to be Sunfyre. Couldn't be Meleys , Caraxes or Syrax. Emerys gets another look realising it is the Dragon dreamfyre. Helaena's dragon.

Emerys smiles realising Helaena had followed her to the beach.
"Have you come to join my adventures" Emerys laughs as the dragons suddenly lands on the sand as Helaena jumps off her dragon her silver hair whipping in the wind with elegance.

"I saw you leave and knew if I alerted anyone you would get in trouble." Helaena says approaching her future sister in law as Emerys stretches her arms out for a hug which Helaena excepts

"Why did you leave the red keep Emerys?" Helaena asks
"I was bored and so was Myrsi. We wanted to explore" Emerys begins
"Without alerting anyone?"
"I have a dragon" Emerys laughs
"But you are to marry my brother you will need to at least let him know" Helaena begins
"And did you tell Aegon where you were going or your mother?" Emerys asks folding her arms

Helaena's eyes widen as Emerys giggles
"See no one is perfect" Emerys laughs
"Are you going to return to the kingdom?" Helaena asks
As Emerys sits back on her sand her arms stretched behind her supporting her body as she closes her eyes letting the wind blow on her face listening to the waves crashing in the sand

"Let's enjoy the freedom for a moment Helaena" Emerys whispers as Helaena gently places herself beside Emerys
"So how does your dreaming work?" Emerys asks with her eyes still closed
"Visions come to me I can't control them and I see the future in dreams" Helaena begins as she suddenly picks up a spider from treading along the sand

"Future dreams? Did you have any last night?" Emerys asks
Helaena pauses eyes wide looking at Emerys with some kind of connection
"What?" Emerys asks
"I saw a girl. She looked like you except her hair was light brown and her eyes emerald green. I saw her fighting a man with icy blue skin and eerie blue eyes wearing a crown of ice In Winterfell. She killed the ice man with the sword dark sister. She had your face. Except they refer to her as Gilfee."

Emerys looks at her wide eyed.
"You have very vivid and cool dreams Helaena I'm jealous actually" Emerys says
"The soul of a dragon the Heart of a wolf and the blood of a Stag. A song of a ice and fire. The Princess who was promised. Azor Ahai once again" Helaena suddenly whispers

"Gilfee?" Emerys whispers
Helaena suddenly looks to the beach
"We should probably go before they realise we are gone" Helaena says as she gets up but sand suddenly smacks into the back of her head. She looks to see Emerys laugh

Helaena suddenly grabs a ball of sand herself
"Two can play at this game" she giggles as Emerys runs while Emerys chases her. The two Princess running back along the beach throwing sand at each other and laughing while the dragons watch on

Aemond sits in his room staring at the fire when his door knocks
"Come in" he says unphased as his mother comes in with a worried look on her face
"Mother whats wrong?" Aemond asks
"Helaena and Emerys are missing" Alicent says but she was more worried about Helaena.
As Aemond sits up on his chair
"What do you mean they are both missing?" Aemond asks

"They are gone and so are their dragons" alicent says as tears form in her eyes with a panic Aemond stands up and gently grabs his mother's hands
"Don't worry mother I will find them" he reassures her as he leaves his room preparing to get on Vhagar and find his sister and future wife.

When he looks up and notices two dragons flying towards the red keep.
"Queen Alicent" Criston Cole calls out as Alicent appears beside them and looks to the sky to see the dragons as she suddenly runs past them.
Helaena and Emerys land in the courtyard still laughing and giggling both covered in sand. As Alicent runs towards them

"Helaena! Helaena are you alright?" She asks with such panic and concern in her voice as Helaena gets off her dragon embracing her mother
"Yes mother I am okay. Me and Emerys were just exploring and enjoying the beach" Helaena says
As Alicent throws Emerys an irritated look

"You shouldn't leave without letting me know are we understood?" Alicent says as Helaena nods in agreement
As Alicent takes Helaena inside while Helaena smiles back at Emerys. Emerys smile but it quickly drops when she sees Aemond and he looked furious.

Emerys gets off her dragon as he suddenly grabs her arm tightly
"Move" he demands as he pulls her along with him by the arm almost dragging her inside
"Let me go" Emerys snaps
"You do not leave the kingdom like that without my permission are we clear?" He growls
"Without your permission?" Emerys yells
"Yes if we are to be married you need to do as I say" Aemond yells

"You don't want this so why should I?"Emerys yells pulling his arm off her
"Because we don't have a choice" Aemond yells back as Emerys suddenly storms off
"Don't walk away from me!" Aemond snaps
"Watch me!" Emerys challenges

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