Chapter 9

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"She gets a position as a lady and yet she thinks she rules the world" Aemond sneers
"Aemond" Alicent snaps rolling her eyes
"Who does she think she is?" Aemond yells as Aegon stands beside her
"Yes I agree she has become more ignorant someone needs to put the bastard in her place like old times" Aegon sneers
"You will do nothing of the sort" alicent spits
"The hair of fire will swoop into the battlefield on the white beast" Helaena casually whispers to herself while playing with a caterpillar walking behind them

Aemond still looked young but he had grown taller and his hair longer and obviously he had an eye patch now. Only two years since he lost his eye his face was slightly developing more defined features
Aegon hadn't gotten any taller but Helaena had and her body was developing more into that of a womans.
Alicent still looked exactly the same as if she hadn't aged a day.

"She makes me so angry the way she sways herself and acts cocky under the protection of my soon to be wife" Aemond spits
"I think you like her." Helaena giggles
"How dare you say that!!! Absolutely not" Aemond spits in disgust

"I would never like that illegitimate, ignorant, bratty red haired worm." Aemond snaps
"Then why are you getting so defensive?" Helaena asks
"Because it's an insult! She ruins my life and she keeps coming back!" Aemond snarls
Aegon begins to laugh
"I know why I hate her but I see why you do now! You like her" Aegon laughs
Aemond face goes red and he tackles Aegon to the ground trying to fight him
"Boys!" Alicent yells trying to pull her idiot sons apart

"The hair of fire claims the slayer of gods at the mountain edge" Helaena whispers as alicent tears her sons apart behind her
Criston Cole appears as suddenly throws Aemond over his shoulder he kicks and screams still trying to attack Aegon who simply laughs while alicent grabs his shoulder

"You are both idiots!" She snaps
"Aemond your engagement party is next week I expect you to act like the Prince you were supposed to by then!" Alicent snarls
As they continue to walk that's when they notice the tyrells sitting on the docks by the sea.

Cranas and Amara are laughing and clapping as Emerys suddenly throws off her dress leaving her in her wide under dress as she kicks off her shoes and suddenly runs off the dock and plunges straight into the water.
Causing everyone to laugh

Alicent watches wide eyed.
"She's an animal"
Emerys splashes in the sea giggling , kicking and enjoying herself
"Come in Gisla don't be scared" she says
"I don't know Emerys" Gisla says when Emerys suddenly splashes her causing an ear piercing scream to escape her. Kila suddenly appears behind her and throws Gisla in.

Gisla splashes with Emerys as the two begin to giggle Gisla splashes Emerys in the face and the two carry on it the water as the other ladies sit uncomfortable at their seats
Usually Gisla's parents wouldn't allow this but they saw how happy Emerys made there daughter and for once they're whole family was smiling and laughing until Queen Alicent showed up

"Your daughter is supposed to wed my son yet she is acting like an animal!" Alicent roars
Emerys and Gisla innocently look up at the docks as they move there arms to keep a float in the sea both girls look at each other in panic
"I am sorry my Queen my daughter was just having fun"

"Fun? She has duty she has to be a lady this is unacceptable! That girl was banished for a reason not to be a bad influence on your daughter. Fix this behaviour" alicent snaps as she looks down into the water and Emerys and Gisla.

A flash back comes to Alicent's mind of her and Rhaenerya as kids. Rhaenerya had done the exact same thing to her pushed her into the docs and swam alongside her. A tear forms in alicent's eyes looking at the girls almost jealous of there friendship reminding her so much of the friendship she had with Rhaenerya all those years ago. As she turns away bitterly in jealously. As yet again Rhaenerya comes into her mind. She missed her more than she had ever thought she could.

Emerys and Gisla dive out of the water and onto the docs as water splashes off them and onto the docs soaking them as Genevieve, Tora and thyri all which in disbelief. Kila and Edmund were both amused
"Go get dried daughter that is enough amusement for today" Cranas says

Gisla and Emerys walk when Aemond appears in front of Emerys after Gisla walked ahead in a bad mood.
"You are always causing trouble" he snarls
"What's it too you?" Emerys snaps back
"Just go hone Emerys I don't understand why you returned. Why you learned our language. Why you try to find a place" Aemond says in Valyrian

"First of all I happen to like Valyrian and second of all it's none of your concern" Emerys responds in perfect Valyrian
"You are a joke. You torment and ruin everything around you. Do everyone a favour and just go away" he snaps in Valyrian as Emerys suddenly walks away from him with tears in her eyes

"Walk away like you always do" Aemond yells almost feeling guilt as she walks off and jumps off the docks now on the sand of the beach where she disappears alone along the sand and sits facing the ocean. A few moments later she feels a presence behind her. A soft and gentle presence and kind and delicate one.

Helaena sits beside her.
"Are you alright?" Helaena asks
"I am Princess thank you" Emerys sighs
"You can tell me." Helaena says in her soft voice
"I didn't want to ruin your lives or Gisla's I just want a place to belong Helaena. My mother is dead. My mother's cousin rules the vale. I have no father no birthright only one friend..." Emerys begins gearing up

"You have me am I not your friend?" Helaena asks softly with a sad expression on her face
Emerys smiles through tears
"And you but I just want a place to belong. A place I can call home."
"The blood will lock in place. But you will leave without a trace." Helaena whispers

Her eyes wide from her visions

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