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*Warning: Violence, Abuse, mention of blood and bruises*


"I'm sorry" I said getting into my father's car "save it" he spat angrily. When we got home, my Father showed me no mercy and beat the shit out of me.

My father is a fucking asshole, he comes back home from work mad and stressed and would drink his feelings away.

When my father is drunk he gets annoyed at the littlest things really quickly like if you accidentally dropped a spoon or closed the fridge too hard or even the bedroom door.

My father wasn't always like this. He used to be the sweetest, kindest person and best dad you could ever imagine but that changed when I lost my mother. My mother died from cancer and that's when the drinking started.

At first, it was just yelling and insults here and there, but as time went by, it got worse.

As I grew up, I started to accept it. I just don't care anymore, sometimes I'd be sitting in my room after my dad had hit me, and would feel so numb that it'll scare me.

I was scared to ask for help or to tell anyone what was happening to me since I knew that they were going to take my father away, and I had already lost one parent and I was terrified of losing the other.

I guess I always had hope that he'll stop drinking.

I had no siblings or other family members that I knew about, so I was scared of being left alone.

Anyways, let's get back to the person. I picked myself up and went to my room. I got into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and broke down crying on the floor.

My mother would never let this happen

-Time skip-

I woke up to the sound of my father, yelling my name and quickly ran to him, not wanting to upset him again.

"Get me a beer" he said and I open the fridge and saw none "we are out" I said "I just bought six new bottles last night" "Yeah but you drink so many in such a little time" I said and he turned around to look at me.

"Are you calling me an alcoholic" he said "n-no" "are you lying to me Y/n" he said mad and I shook my head

My father walked toward me and hold my face tightly hurting me a little "don't you fucking lie to me Y/n" he said, and my eyes started to tear up "You're so weak and pathetic" He said, pushing me to the ground.

"I'm going to go get more bottles and when I get back this house better be clean or else you know what will happen" he threatened and left the house.

-Jaden's POV-

I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n, and what happened like how she flinched when I raised my voice and was in pain when I held her hand.

After Y/n's father came and took her for the second time, she had yet hadn't come back to school and it's been three days and they were no news about her. I texted her but I didn't even deliver to her, which brought my stomach to a twist.

The teachers at me about her, and even gave me the work that she missed and told me to hand it to her, I was given the location to her house and drove there.

When I reach there I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell, but nobody answered, I saw that there was a back door. I decided to try there and knocked on the door and saw that it was open so I got in.

"Y/n? Mr.Y/l/n?" I said, but no one replied, I looked around and saw that the place is a mess and the glass was shattered on the floor, making my heart dropped my stomach.


I run around the house and called her name, but no one replied. I opened every door, and when it came to the bathroom, I saw that there were marks on the door it looked like someone tried to get in.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked "Y/n are you in there!?" I asked worried, but they was no response. Something told me that she was in there, and I tried to break the door down.

I wasn't able to do it on my own, so I called Javon and told him to come here ASAP.

He came in and we both broke the door down together and what we saw next made our hearts drop.

Y/n was in the bathtub and had bruises all over her, she had a smudge of blood next to her head and we try to wake her up, but she didn't.

We immediately called 911 and an ambulance came and took her to the hospital.

Tears were running down my cheeks, as they took her to the emergency room.

Of course, the police came and took us for questioning, I told them all I knew about her before and after, and when we were done I was crying.

My parents came of course, and so did child protective services.

"This is all my fault, I should've know I should've noticed the signed earlier" I cried, hugging my mother " Jaden this is not your fault"




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Bad girl ~ Jaden Waltonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن